Organize docker folder

Issue #99 resolved
Agustin Alba Chicar created an issue
  • We need to move Gazebo dockerfiles from docker to docker/gazebo.
  • Add the respective readme
  • Document any missing file

Comments (14)

  1. Agustin Alba Chicar reporter

    We have several images. Two are the base, one for develop and the other for a stable environment. As we were working on this commit of Gazebo (7) we need to compile Gazebo from source. Gazebo dependencies refer to:

    • ignition-math 2
    • ignition-msgs-dev --> which used to need ignition-math 2 but now, from sources, it needs ignition-math 3.
    • ignition-transport

    Besides, we need support for Manifold library which is backed on ignition-math in the branch called graph_2. So, the problem is raised for ignition-msgs which from tag 0.7.0 on needs ignition-math 3 to work.

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