
Clone wiki

phist / User_Guide / 080 Directory Structure


Directory structure

  • *phist* main project directory
  • *src* primary source directory
  • *tools* definitions and helper functions for output, timing, instrumentalization, ...
  • *kernels* abstract interface definition
  • *<subdir>* subdirectories with concrete implementations
  • *core* common intermediate level routines like orthogonalization
  • *krylov* blocked Krylov subspace methods (mostly linear solvers)
  • *jada* blocked Jacobi-Davidson eigenvalue solvers
  • *feast* FEAST eigenvalue solver (unfinished)
  • *drivers* source for executables with a command-line interface to the main algorithms implemented in phist
  • *test* source & data of our extensive test suite for kernels and algorithms
  • *matrices* test data
  • *<subdir>* subdirectories with tests for corresponding directories in *src*
  • *python* python interface to phist (incomplete, untested)
  • *examples* source for additional executables that did not make it into the *drivers* directory
  • *cmake* additional cmake modules, mostly for finding TPLs
  • *doc* Doxygen documentation (built with make doc if doxygen is available)
  • *exampleRuns* output & scripts of calculations done by us, probably outdated
  • *lib* third-party libraries included (currently only googletest)
