
Clone wiki

lexicon / Faq


Here is the place where the most common questions are answared.

How do I change the UI language? What about the keyboard?

The language used by the application is the language that your device use. So whenever you want to change the language of the user interface of application you should in fact change your device language (i.e. Menu -> Settings -> Language & keyboard -> Select language). The same is applied to the keyboard too.

Yes, it is. Just shake your device (it depends on your settings of the application).

How do I search for all words that are ending with -ing ?

You can use the % matching-pattern like this: %ing

I cannot see the 'Update' menu. Neither the 'Install new' button in the Dictionary menu.

Is your device connected to Internet? These options are hidden unless you have a working Internet connection.

That particular time is depending on the size of the dictionary, search result limit and of course, your device hardware. You could either set a lower search result limit or switch the 'Search method' settings to OFF (i.e. search at your request; that will shows a magnigy glass icon that will perform the search only when you tap it). Or you could use both recommendations.
