read only field for completed status

Issue #212 resolved
Former user created an issue

I want to make field should be editable based on workflow status, Once the ticket in completed status, user should not have permission to edit, how to implement this requirement, Please suggest on the same.

Comments (6)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Savita,

    The are two ways to do it:

    1) The simplest way is to set step property jira.issue.editable to false in the workflow steps you want to forbid field edition. More information about this at Workflow properties. The problem of this approach is that all fields become no-editable. Anyway, if you don't mind it, I recommend to use this approach.

    2) A much more complicated solution consists in:

    1. Remove the field from edit screen, this way the field can't edited the usual way.
    2. Create a screen called "Edit field X" which only contains field X, that you want to forbid edition in certain completed status.
    3. Add reflexive transitions called "Edit X" in all the steps of the workflow where you want to allow edition of field X. Reflexive transitions are transitions with same status as origin and destination. You should also associate screen "Edit field X" to these transitions, this way each time the user executes the transition, a screen for editing the field will be shown.

    As you are not adding reflexive transition "Edit X" to status "Completed", the field will not be able to be edited in that status.

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter


    First one I implemented but it didn’t work, can we set meeting? It is bit urgent. Regards, Savita

  3. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    I have created the Issue #234 issue, please reply as early as possible.

    Regards, Savita

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