add minimum required boost version to CMakeLists.txt

Issue #27 resolved
Thomas Hisch created an issue

Please change the line

find_package( Boost REQUIRED system filesystem program_options )

in CMakeLists.txt to something like

find_package( Boost 1.57.0 REQUIRED system filesystem program_options )

as this fixes a strange problem when a local boost version (BOOST_ROOT env var set) needs to take precedence over a system-installation of boost. Without this fix the wrong shared libraries are used for linking the executable(s). I can provide more details if you want.

Comments (7)

  1. Benjamin Dam Kehlet

    Oh, sorry. This got lost...

    Is 1.57 required to solve the problem? I am a bit reluctant since this is stricter than what Dolfin requires (1.47).

    This seems like a workaround for another problem. Is it not possible to solve that? Does Dolfin link correctly?

  2. Thomas Hisch reporter

    I think 1.47 should work as well. I'll investigate whether its a workaround for another problem.

  3. Johannes Ring

    Try to add the following to CMakeLists.txt in mshr and see if that fixes the problem:

    # Check for Boost                                                                                                                                                                
    if (BOOST_ROOT)
      set(Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS on)
    # Prevent FindBoost.cmake from looking for system  Boost{foo}.cmake files                                                                                                        
    set(Boost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE true)

    We will push this to mshr if this fixes the problem for you.

  4. Thomas Hisch reporter

    Sry that it took me so long to come back to this issue. I was busy with other stuff.

    The proposed fix by @johannes_ring works.

  5. Benjamin Dam Kehlet
    • Include workaround to prevent cmake from picking the wrong boost when a hint is given to find_package(Boost). Fixes issue #27.
    • Make VTK an optional dependency. If MSHR_ENABLE_VTK is given it will take precedence, otherwise mshr will check if Dolfin is configured with VTK support and do the same. Fixes issue #29

    → <<cset e651a0daeb91>>

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