Inheritance of VTK option from dolfin

Issue #29 resolved
Thomas Hisch created an issue

In the CMakeLists.txt there is a TODO note about the VTK setup, which is enabled per default. For the planned new release 1.6 it would be nice if this were fixed and inherited from dolfin.

Comments (6)

  1. Benjamin Dam Kehlet

    That is very true and should be pretty simple. I'll try to fix that before the release.

  2. Thomas Hisch reporter

    Great - Thx! In the course of that could you also 'inherit' the BOOST setup from dolfin, as this would fix #27?

  3. Benjamin Dam Kehlet
    • Include workaround to prevent cmake from picking the wrong boost when a hint is given to find_package(Boost). Fixes issue #27.
    • Make VTK an optional dependency. If MSHR_ENABLE_VTK is given it will take precedence, otherwise mshr will check if Dolfin is configured with VTK support and do the same. Fixes issue #29

    → <<cset e651a0daeb91>>

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