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LucidBot / Changelog


The changes between different bot versions. If you're updating across multiple versions in one go, it's good to check what changed in each version so you know which files to replace with new ones.

LucidBot v. 3.x



What's new:

  • Updates to races etc. for age 62

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace utopia-api.jar in the plugins folder
  3. Replace utopia-ui.jar in the plugins folder



What's new:

  • Issue #8 - fixed the /attacking web service resource
  • Issue #9 - kd pages failed to be added when provinces were removed
  • Issue #10 - added GET /api/kingdoms/<kingdom id>/dragon to the web api to make it easy to see if a kd has a dragon or not without fetching unnecessary data. Responds with a dragon object or just an empty response
  • Adding notification type "self intel", so that people can get notifications that their self intel posts were successful (requested as useful for phone users). Usage: !addnotification self intel pm

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace utopia-api.jar in the plugins folder
  3. Replace utopia-ws.jar in the plugins folder
  4. Replace utopia-intel.jar in the plugins folder



What's new:

  • Updated libs - should give better db performance, but probably won't be noticeable
  • Extracted intel parsers into a separate module so that they can (theoretically) be replaced more easily - mostly useful for people who want to extend the bot with their own code
  • Allow disabling any event listeners (announcers etc.) via properties - mostly useful for people who want to extend the bot with their own code
  • The clearintel command now supports specifying a province instead of age in hours. If a province is specified, all intel is removed from that province, regardless of age
  • Attempting to fix !removeprovince issues with armies not being removable
  • Added a service (/api/attacking) to paste attacks from ingame to (works the same as pasting them on IRC)
  • Fixed the incoming attack notifications system
  • Improved the age reset button to really remove everything
  • Fixed !estimateddef to not remove town watch
  • Made sure the api/attacking web service resource actually is reachable
  • Issue #2: Info posted to web api doesn't announce in IRC
  • Issue #4: User removal bug
  • Issue #5: NewDragonActionsListener exception

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace the plugin folder
  3. Replace the lib folder
  4. Remove all the announcer properties (Announcers.Events.Enabled=true etc.) from and add announcements.AidAddedAnnouncer.Enabled=false instead



What's new:

  • Fixed raw enemy survey parsing
  • Added uto time for events and orders in the web service
  • Added the query param "includeIntel" to the following requests in order to allow retrieving intel for multiple provinces in one request:
    • GET api/kingdoms/{kingdomId}
    • GET api/kingdoms/ (when used with the location query param)
    • GET api/provinces/{provinceId}
    • GET api/provinces (when used either with user ids or kingdom id as query param)

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace utopia-api.jar in the plugins folder
  3. Replace utopia-ws.jar in the plugins folder



IMPORTANT NOTE There are some database related upgrade issues. If you're updating from a build prior to b44, don't go straight to the 3.7 release. Rather update to b44 (or any other build prior to 3.0 RC3) first, and then to 3.7 afterwards.

What's new:

  • Fixes to the scripting facilities. It should now listen to change events (modified, added or removed files) better and also support working with classes from the plugins rather than just the bot module classes
  • Web service improvements, including sending minimal versions of sot, sos, som & survey for each province when requesting provinces. Also, those resources now contain the last updated attribute. This way you can figure out which provs have outdated intel without getting the intel manually for each province first
  • Bug fix for statistics when using manual spell/op add commands like !ns 100 some province. It would confuse amount of times with damage done when you did a spell or op the first time via that command
  • Added support for notifications based on incoming attacks in pasted news. This means you can have the bot notify you if someones pastes a paper that contains a hit on your province
  • Added support for a poll system (add polls and vote on them etc.)
  • Race updates for age 60
  • New age clear-button now removes dragon projects too

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace utopia-api.jar in the plugins folder
  3. Replace utopia-commands.jar in the plugins folder
  4. Replace utopia-ws.jar in the plugins folder
  5. Replace utopia-ui.jar in the plugins folder
  6. Insert the new templates into the templates folder (addpoll.ftl, addpolloption.ftl, poll.ftl, polls.ftl, removepoll.ftl, startpoll.ftl, stoppoll.ftl, vote.ftl)
  7. Add the two new properties at the end of (Notifications.IncomingAttacks.MinInterval & Notifications.IncomingAttacks.MaxAge)
  8. Replace the lib folder



IMPORTANT NOTE There are some database related upgrade issues. If you're updating from a build prior to b44, don't go straight to the 3.6 release. Rather update to b44 (or any other build prior to 3.0 RC3) first, and then to 3.6 afterwards.

What's new:

  • Fix to the spells_ops resource of the web service to support multiples of the same op/spell
  • Fix to the kingdoms resource. Sending kd pages wouldn't work properly at all

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace utopia-api.jar in the plugins folder
  3. Replace utopia-ui.jar in the plugins folder
  4. Replace utopia-ws.jar in the plugins folder



IMPORTANT NOTE There are some database related upgrade issues. If you're updating from a build prior to b44, don't go straight to the 3.5 release. Rather update to b44 (or any other build prior to 3.0 RC3) first, and then to 3.5 afterwards.

What's new:

  • Fix to the spells_ops resource of the web service to support multiples of the same op/spell

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace utopia-api.jar in the plugins folder



IMPORTANT NOTE There are some database related upgrade issues. If you're updating from a build prior to b44, don't go straight to the 3.4 release. Rather update to b44 (or any other build prior to 3.0 RC3) first, and then to 3.4 afterwards.

What's new:

  • Added the parameter targetKingdom to the spells_ops web service resource. Specifying the kd loc will let the bot create the specified target if it doesn't exist
  • Command related improvements: CommandBuilder replaces CommandFactory (see the script examples, because CommandFactory will be removed in a later version). Also, it's ok to use capturing groups in parsers now, as long as they aren't named the same as the parameters
  • Fixed file updates for scripts, so they should update automatically now (i.e. no need for rebooting after changing them)
  • Some spring (fall?) cleaning that shouldn't should have any effects on actual functionality
  • In the slap command, armies_home has now become armiesHome instead
  • Not all commands are downgradable any longer. For example, some commands rely on the user being registered, and so they won't work if they're made public (which is now enforced)

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Remove and replace the plugins folder and all the jar files in it



IMPORTANT NOTE There are some database related upgrade issues. If you're updating from a build prior to b44, don't go straight to the 3.3 release. Rather update to 3.0 RC1 first, and then to FINAL afterwards.

What's new:

  • Updated libraries
  • Fixed an army parsing bug

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace the plugin folder
  3. Replace the lib folder



IMPORTANT NOTE There are some database related upgrade issues. If you're updating from a build prior to b44, don't go straight to the 3.1 release. Rather update to 3.0 RC1 first, and then to FINAL afterwards.

What's new:

  • Scripting fixes and more elaborate examples (for python)

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace utopia-api.jar in the plugins folder



IMPORTANT NOTE There are some database related upgrade issues. If you're updating from a build prior to b44, don't go straight to the 3.1 release. Rather update to 3.0 RC1 first, and then to FINAL afterwards.

What's new:

  • Updates for age 59
  • Sort bonuses and spells in the race editing popup
  • Minor fix to the web service regarding /spells_ops (it now returns text/plain)

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace utopia-ws.jar in the plugins folder
  3. Replace utopia-api.jar in the plugins folder
  4. Replace utopia-ui.jar in the plugins folder



IMPORTANT NOTE There are some database related upgrade issues. If you're updating from a build prior to b44, don't go straight to the FINAL release. Rather update to RC1 first, and then to FINAL afterwards.

What's new:

  • Bug fixes for the web service API

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace utopia-ws.jar in the plugins folder
  3. Replace utopia-api.jar in the plugins folder

3.0 RC builds


IMPORTANT NOTE There are some database related upgrade issues. If you're updating from a build prior to b44, don't go straight to the RC6 release. Rather update to RC1 first, and then to FINAL afterwards.

What's new:

  • Bug fixes for the web service API

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace utopia-ws.jar in the plugins folder
  3. Replace utopia-api.jar in the plugins folder


IMPORTANT NOTE There are some database related upgrade issues. If you're updating from a build prior to b44, don't go straight to the RC5 release. Rather update to RC1 first, and then to FINAL afterwards.

What's new:

  • Bug fixes for the web service API

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace utopia-ws.jar in the plugins folder


What's new:

  • Bug fixes for the web service API
  • Changed sos and survey entries to not be separate for done, in progress etc. (there's now one per building/science type with all the numbers inside it instead)
  • Introduced the interface ParameterizedScriptCommandHandler which allows scripts to tell the bot which parsers to use, making the Params object useful for script command handlers too. The javascript example has been updated to show how it's used (see here)

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace utopia-api.jar in the plugins folder
  3. Replace utopia-commands.jar in the plugins folder
  4. Replace utopia-ws.jar in the plugins folder


What's new:

  • Removed GTalk integration (wasn't finished anyway)
  • Changed database version tracking. Now it's completely separate for the utopia plugins and the core bot
  • Fixed the web service. It should now accept json input correctly

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace utopia-api.jar in the plugins folder
  3. Replace utopia-commands.jar in the plugins folder
  4. Replace utopia-ui.jar in the plugins folder
  5. Replace utopia-ws.jar in the plugins folder
  6. Remove the GTalk related properties from They should be at the bottom of the file


What's new:

  • /spells_ops for posting spells and ops from ingame to the bot via the web service
  • Fix to logging - logging for channels was case sensitive
  • Bug fixes for the API, removing some null pointer exceptions that would result in BAD REQUEST errors
  • /intel can now take raw intel of any sort, so you don't have to post single sots and soms and such to /intel/sots etc.
  • Fixed a bug where the bot would try to reconnect when you called !quit, before it finally shut down

How to update:

  1. Replace LucidBot.jar
  2. Replace utopia-api.jar in the plugins folder
  3. Replace utopia-ui.jar in the plugins folder
  4. Replace utopia-ws.jar in the plugins folder


What's new:

  • The project is now moving from google code to Bitbucket ( No updates will be done on the google code site anymore, and the documentation will be updated, extended and added to the wiki at Bitbucket instead (work in progress)
  • With the move to bitbucket, there will also be a changed in how the bot is distributed. On bitbucket, the downloads section will contain the latest release, but nothing else. Everything else will be on google drive (
  • Updated some important libraries (database and web server related) to new major versions, so be on the lookout for errors in connection with those things
  • The web service API is now final in it's initial release. See the documentation at http://yourhost/api/ when the bot's up and running. You use the forum agent credentials to access it for each user. I really need feedback on this stuff, and want to stress that the current service is in no way written in stone
  • The bot has been modularized, which is mostly an internal thing. What affects the users is that UtopiaPlugin.jar in the plugins folder has now been replaced by a bunch of more specialized jar files

How to update:

  1. Remove the lib folder completely and replace with the new one
  2. Remove the plugin folder completely and replace with the new one
  3. Remove the "Core.WebServiceAPI.Enabled" property from
  4. Add from the zip-file to the root folder next to the other properties files
  5. Replace LucidBot.jar with the new one from the zip-file

3.0 Beta builds

Build 44


  • Bug fix in the armytime template
  • Added support for template versions, meaning that !sot will use sot.ftl, but !!sot will use sot2.ftl. As a consequence, !ssot (and siblings) have been removed and replaced by !!sot etc.
  • Changed how the welcome messages work. Instead of being sent in notices, they will now be sent in pm, and the news bar that reports on if there are new orders etc. is no longer hard coded in. Instead there's a property you can use that will execute commands for the user when he/she logs in. The default is to execute !orders, which will actually include the news bar like before. If you want to execute multiple things, use an alias
  • SoMs now save the amount of armies that were out when the SoM was added, so it'd be possible to use that information in the !som output in order to not only now how many armies are out right now. The variable may be accessed in the som templates via: ${intel.armiesOutWhenPosted}
  • Added target land to builds and made sure bpa was actually supported in the addbuild command (see template update). This should now work: !addbuild {Dwarf, Sage} land 1500 bpa 66

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • <-- added a property called Commands.OnLoginCall at around line 170 in the file
  • templates/armytime.ftl <--changed
  • templates/build.ftl <--changed
  • templates/orders2.ftl <--new
  • templates/sot2.ftl <--new
  • templates/sos2.ftl <--new
  • templates/survey2.ftl <--new
  • templates/som2.ftl <--new
  • templates/ssot.ftl <--removed
  • templates/ssos.ftl <--removed
  • templates/ssom.ftl <--removed
  • templates/ssurvey.ftl <--removed

Build 43


  • Added more info to army listing commands to show whether the armies in question are from a som or from irc
  • Modded !targets to rely less on ppl having added hitters, and more on bindings instead
  • Fixed bug that printed out rounded tpa when an infil was posted
  • Race tweaks for age 58

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • templates/army.ftl
  • templates/armies.ftl
  • templates/armytime.ftl

Build 42


  • Added support for max hostile auto war declaration in the news
  • Changed the notes template to not use black as the text color (some ppl have black backgrounds)

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • templates/notes.ftl

Build 41


  • Fixed bug affecting armies when you mix som and irc armies (they would overwrite each other and so on)
  • Fixed angel formatted kd pages formatting bug (it didn't register networths)
  • [*]Finished the list.ftl template, meaning you can now get a maxtrix with spells/ops for all provs in a kd etc.
  • [**]Finished the results.ftl template, meaning you can now get the results for all provs in a kd for NS etc.
  • Added support for serving static html pages by dropping them into the html folder. They'll then be accessible like this: http://yourip:port/static/nameoffile.html

  • [*]:

  • This means that you can now do:
  • !list* (1:1) <--- shows a spell/op matrix with durations for the whole kd (including those who don't have any spells/ops at all)
  • !list* <--- shows the same matrix, but includes only provinces that have something on them (from any kd)
  • Filters work here too, so:
  • !list* (1:1) [!Faery, !Elf] <--- does the same as the above, but filters away any Faery or Elf provinces
  • You can also list all spells and ops for a specific province:
  • !list* Provname

  • [**]:

  • You can now see the results of all the damage of some type of op you've done on a kd (the type of the op must be specified)
  • !results ns (1:1) <--- shows the results of all NS you've done on provinces in the specified kd
  • Filters apply on this command too

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • <--- added a property called SpellsOps.AllActiveMatrix.Columns @ line 90 (you can put it wherever you want)
  • templates/list.ftl
  • templates/results.ftl
  • html <--- new folder. empty by default, so just copy it in or create a new one with this name

Build 40


  • Kingdom page parsing fix. Hopefully solves issues with provinces that have defected
  • Regression bug from last build that caused a lot of issues

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar

Build 39


  • Fixed bug preventing self soms from being posted when unformatted
  • Attempted fix for !seen. Bot failed to register people leaving every now and then
  • Possible bug fix for the message sent back when someone posts an infiltrate
  • Trying something that maybe could help some issues with pasting kd pages (not sure, because it's hard to figure out what the issue is)
  • Again trying to fix !slap

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar

Build 38


  • !find now prints relative time in hours instead of actual dates when you sort on age
  • !updated & !missing now support filters
  • Additional som-fix. Last build didn't completely fix it
  • Prevent !lasthit & !lasthits from crashing when no hits are found
  • Fixed problem with using pmd as a sort value in !find
  • Fix export line parsing for lone intel items
  • Added better logging for server communication, and removed some unnecessary stuff

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar

Build 37


  • Quick fix for !som (and possibly something else related to the sorting of armies)
  • "password" is no longer considered a valid password to set if the property that allows the default password to be used isn't set to true
  • Some tweaks to self intel parsing

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar

Build 36


  • Trying to prevent edge case errors with intel parsing
  • Color coding the sort value in !find
  • Making the UtopiaTime object ok with the age not having started yet. Should stop !time from throwing exceptions before the age starts
  • Updated races for the new age

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • lib <--replace this folder
  • templates/find.ftl

Build 35


  • Added "now" as alias for high priority aid
  • Fixed army sorting for !armies when it shows both som armies and irc armies
  • Fixed angel som parser so that it actually sets 0s where needed (for example if there are 0 troops home, it would just keep what the last added som had for army values instead)
  • Updated some libs
  • Some weird behavior in the SoT parser for angel formatted intel fixed. Could result in old export lines being kept from old sots
  • Attempting to solve some issues regarding pasting kd pages when provinces have defected and such
  • Only admins can now remove quotes they haven't added themselves
  • More work on the web service API
  • Added id to the !notes template
  • Prevent the bot from throwing exceptions just because someone posts a dragon update when no dragon project is active
  • Raised the timeout from 5 to 10 seconds when listening for armies, so if you take a little longer to paste, it should still understand (let me know if this causes any issues)
  • Attempt at fixing !slap and !seen
  • Fixed !removeordercategory

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • lib <--replace this folder
  • templates/notes.ftl

Build 34


  • Fixed newsparser so that it doesn't add duplicates
  • Improved the !summary and !war commands with some extra info

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • templates/summary.ftl
  • templates/war.ftl

Build 33


  • Added optional channel parameter to the !silence command
  • Added "offer" as a complement to "offering" and "spare" for signaling aid being offerered rather than requested
  • Improved some commands so that they identify someone as admin if they're in the admin channel. Before they only checked admin status on the user itself
  • Fixed the default cast regex for land lust. You'll all want to update it (in the setup UI) to: {{{Our Land Lust over (?<target>[^(]+(\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})) has given us another (?<result>[\d,]+) acres of land!}}}

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar

Build 32


  • !addbuild had a bug that prevented decimal values from working (wpa 1.5 didn't work for example)
  • !war had a bug relating to when you specified the kd location

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar

Build 31


  • Improvements to !addbuild and the build template
  • Better separators for !totrain and !tobuild templates
  • !addnap now creates a kingdom if it doesn't exist (no need to paste kd page to get it to work)
  • Don't include "in progress" buildings when calculating mod tpa/wpa
  • Handle reconnects better when there's multiple bot instances in use
  • Show the info bar with unchecked items on authentication (so the user can see if there are new orders etc.)
  • Cleaned up a bit in the templates while fixing the above issue
  • Added support for reminders, which can be used to annoy users about things they haven't checked yet (for example orders)
  • Dragon parsing in angel formatted SoTs wasn't working
  • Fixed a time related bug that made it look like orders (and such) hadn't been checked even though they had
  • Fixed default "elite sendout percentage" for Faery (from 100 to 0). It should be 0 unless the faery's are actually attacking, so you might want to edit it in the setup UI yourself too
  • Extracted the /Intel and /News pages into html files so that people may edit them (see the new files below)

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • <--- added Reminders.Enabled & Reminders.Interval
  • intel.html <--new file!
  • news.html <--new file!
  • templates/news_bar.ftl <--new file!
  • templates/build.ftl
  • templates/totrain.ftl
  • templates/tobuild.ftl
  • templates/aid.ftl
  • templates/events.ftl
  • templates/naps.ftl
  • templates/news_bar.ftl
  • templates/notes.ftl
  • templates/orders.ftl
  • templates/wave.ftl
  • templates/wavetime.ftl

Build 30


  • !addbuild and !addorder both had issues in their syntax validations (build type and order category respectively)
  • Handling the fact that dragons don't show up in SoT for War Heroes even if they're still alive (races and personalities now have a "dragon immune" setting)
  • After an infil i posted, the bot now responds with the updated raw tpa
  • The template for the !build command had an extra > in it
  • Improvements to the !build command. If there's only one build in the list, show it instead of just listing it as a single item list
  • Personality/honor title related fixes to the raw sot parser

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • templates/build.ftl

Build 29


  • Bugfix for !war
  • !mintime now says how many hours/minutes/seconds are between mintime and the current time

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • templates/mintime.ftl

Build 28


  • Another attempt at making news parsing compatible with more browsers
  • !quote command would sometimes fail
  • Improved database update mechanism
  • Pasting current dragon status now starts a new dragon project if one doesn't exist

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar



  • Raw SoM parser bug
  • Added some text to the default syntax for !addorder to explain that order categories are entered in ()
  • !removetarget now works with id too, not just province name
  • !removedragon can now be used with id
  • Dragon projects are no longer required to be removed before a new one of the same type is started, meaning you can look back in history
  • !dragonprojects lists all existing dragon projects, so you can see the info on old projects (especially the id)
  • !dragon can now be used with id (instead of "sending"/"killing") in order to view info on older projects
  • Made sure .60 works just as well as 0.60 in commands

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • templates/dragonprojects.ftl

Build 26


  • Nasty bug related to the !cancel command fixed
  • Changed the help command template and the name of the help command groups
  • Switching to .zip instead of .rar

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • templates/help.ftl

Build 25


  • Tried to make the news parser more compatible with various browsers
  • Fixed issues with targets, relating to the "what's new" bar that shows newly added stuff
  • News parsing fixes
  • Fixed the !war command template to behave like the summary template does
  • Fixed regression bug relating to the bot missing when ppl quit
  • Added build number to the version, so !version will be more helpful now

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • templates/war.ftl

Build 24

Changes/Fixes: * Fixed the sot template. It failed now because of a change made in the last release * Another fix related to the problem above with the sot template. It would cause !tpa and !wpa to fail * Sort by expiration date in the !list command

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • templates/sot.ftl

Build 23

Changes/Fixes: * Fixed regression from when provs were made case insensitive * Fixed bug in the raw SoT parser that would fail to pick up the Mystic personality, causing other commands to fail afterwards * Another attempt at avoiding spamming users when the bot joins the channel and the server is slow to respond to authentications * Made sure infil doesn't show up as recent in !intel as soon as a SoT is added

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar

Build 22

Changes/Fixes: * Fixed bug in the raw SoS parser * Fixed several places where provinces had to be in the correct case unnecessarily * Attempt at fixing a bug that caused the bot to message everybody when it joins (to tell them they're authenticated)

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar

Build 21

Changes/Fixes: * Added property to control what the cs invite command looks like (seeAffected files below) * Survey parsing fixes * Remove self kd results from !find unless explicitly allowed via filter * The !survey template bugged out a little when barracks were in the survey

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • templates/survey.ftl
  • => added new property IRC.CSInvite.Request

Build 20

Changes/Fixes: * Removed aliases from the help command * Angel formatted kd page formatter fixed, it was ignoring data for some provs * Fixing crashes when pasting spells/ops without setting a target first * Trying to support other servers better

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • templates/help.ftl
  • /lib <--replace this folder with the new one

Build 19

Changes/Fixes: * The bot would fail to notice when people quit, which caused some commands (like !seen) to act up * !message would throw an exception instead of returning an error message if the user couldn't be found * !messages had a template error (see affected files below) * !orders * shows all orders (admins only) * added !roster

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • templates/messages.ftl
  • templates/roster.ftl

Build 18


  • Fix to !addprovince where using kd loc could cause issues
  • Better nickname validation
  • Support for ultima intel
  • Fixed the !mail command so it actually gets registered
  • Attempt at logging when things refuse to start

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar

Build 17

Changes/Fixes: * Added a !mail command that... sends emails! * Fixed !topic * Fixed a bug with MODE that would crash the bot * Preventing the !provinces command from throwing an exception when it really wasn't necessary * !settimezone didn't work with negative numbers

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • templates/mail.ftl
  • templates/topic.ftl

Build 16

Changes/Fixes: * Better syntax error messages * Status message after clicking the load defaults or reset for new age buttons, so the user knows they succeeded * Kd parsing now supports (S) for Steward * Added hyphen as an allowed symbol in a nickname

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar

Build 15

Changes/Fixes: * Fixed a retarded bug that prevented anyone with a nick starting with lower case a, o, h or v from using the bot * Fixed a bug where the bot wouldn't respond properly to the VERSION ctcp command * Fixed the link/unlink commands to only allow valid nicknames and respond with better error messages * Fixed an alias issue. Some regexes wouldn't work properly * "Reset for new age" button in the setup UI * Fixed possible self kd related issues * Added support for bonuses that affect other bonuses (only honor at this time) * Updated defaults for races, personalities etc. to the values for the new age (56). Update guide for those who aren't installing from scratch will be up later

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar

Build 14

Changes/Fixes: * OrderCategories can now be deleted even if they have orders (category is set to null for those orders) * More flexible authentication against NickServ (see properties below)

Affected files:

  • LucidBot.jar
  • plugins/UtopiaPlugin.jar
  • => added IRC.Authentication.Request & IRC.Authentication.Response
