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BukkitGames / Getting started

Getting started!

The all-in-one guide to setup a HungerGames server with the BukkitGames plugin!

What you need

  • The latest (development) version of Spigot (as of 01/01/15: read this for help)
  • The BukkitGames plugin (the latest version)
  • The latest version of the SQLibrary plugin

What to do

1. Setup the server

(You can skip most of this step if you already have your server running.)

Follow this tutorial to setup your Spigot server. Run the server at least once before continuing with the installation. Be sure that level-name in your is set to world (which it is by default). To avoid trouble please also set your spawn-protection to 0. If you are already running a server take a backup of your world right now as BukkitGames is going to delete the default world. Does your server not restart? We got the answer!

2. Installing dependencies and the BukkitGames

Drop the BukkitGames and SQLibrary jar-files into the /plugins directory of your server. Now start the server and check your console. If all goes well, BukkitGames should have created all configuration files and a SQLite database. Your server might restart several times during this process.

3. Configuration

Now you can edit the configuration files in the folder /plugins/BukkitGames. You can go through config.yml and messages.yml and change the settings however you want. If the configuration files don't get loaded after you edited them, check their syntax with something like this. You can also replace the cornucopia.schematic and feast.schematic files with your own ones.

We did not talk about the kit.yml file yet, right? Please checkout this tutorial to create your own kits.

4. More information

For more information, for example on how to create abilities and even more customization options, please visit the official wiki. The official plugin page also contains a lot of information, check it out!

What's next?

So let's say you are done with setting up your server. What's next? Well, BukkitGames will release new versions about every month so make sure you check the plugin's site regularly to make sure you don't miss out on important updates! Also, in the BukkitGames thread we always like to hear your feedback and suggestions! Last but not least, if you enjoy the BukkitGames plugin, please write a short review - Much appreciated!

Errors? Bugs? Issues?

Post error messages and bugs in our issue tracker and we will do our best to help you! You can also search if someone already had the same issue you are facing.
