Enemy in the northmost sector on the map can't be shot in the head

Issue #195 new
Agatae Tsag created an issue

Depending on his direction, enemy may or may not be headshottable because the head may be out of screen. In the attached save, Johny sees an enemy who can't be shot in the head. If he shots elsewhere, the enemy turns and his head can be targeted.

Comments (3)

  1. ardor-ja2s-wvxx-zkfu-eka83

    I have a potential solution, fork commit titled "Fix #195". The scroll was given some slack at the top. Hope it is suitable.

  2. ardor-ja2s-wvxx-zkfu-eka83

    I tried your savegame from #125 with some extra slack to see the south tiles. The situation is different. In the north the tiles are accessable but a soldier could not be viewed. In the south the enemy soldiers were placed one row too far down. So they do not get rendered, but Ira can still be stabbed, and presumably stab back. I teleported those soldiers one row up and that fixed the problem, they became visible and could be hit etc.

    This has also happened in the east in Drassen.

    There might be something wrong with FindBestPath or stomething because of #182. This function is used to test if a grid is suitable, but obviously it sometimes fails. Maybe these are related. Fixing one may prevent the other.

    If there is a savegame just before they enter the sector and end up stuck, that would be great.

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