
Issue #175 resolved
Duy-Nguyen Ta created an issue

Add linear/EqualityConstraint, which is result of linearizing nonlinear/EqualityConstraint, also does general Ax==b

Comments (7)

  1. Duy-Nguyen Ta reporter

    Question for @dellaert : I think it is handled in the current JacobianFactor already. What is the motivation for another special equality constraint factor at the linear level?

  2. Frank Dellaert

    Actually, it's so that users could find it. It can be a trivial derived class of JacobianFactor, one that takes and A and a b and implements Ax==b

  3. Frank Dellaert

    Actually, would make your constraint stuff in QP much more readable, compare

      // Special constrained noise model denoting <= inequalities with negative sigmas
      noiseModel::Constrained::shared_ptr noise =
          noiseModel::Constrained::MixedSigmas((Vector(4) << -1, -1, -1, -1));
      graph.push_back(JacobianFactor(X(1), A1, X(2), A2, b, noise));

    with desired

      graph.push_back(InequalityConstraint(X(1), A1, X(2), A2, b, noise));

    (realizing you could create both an EqualityConstraint and an InequalityConstraint. Adding the latter in QP branch would allow us to easily change the implementation, if we decide to abandon the -1 hack.

  4. Duy-Nguyen Ta reporter

    Yes. A simple QP without LP is now in develop. We will need to implement the simplex method to find a feasible initial point in the feature. It is important for SQP to solve nonlinear constraints.

  5. Duy-Nguyen Ta reporter

    LinearEquality and LinearInequality constraints, inherited from JacobianFactor, are added, together with a QPSolver.

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