IMUKittiExampleGPS fails to run

Issue #259 new
Kyel Ok created an issue

matlab/gtsam_examples/IMUKittiExampleGPS.m seems to need API updates.

I think "ImuFactorPreintegratedMeasurements()" has to be updated to "PreintegratedImuMeasurements()." Can someone confirm this?

Also, there's an error on line 120 isam.update(newFactors, newValues):

Attempting to retrieve value with key "v13", type stored in Values is N5gtsam12GenericValueIN5Eigen6MatrixIdLin1ELi1ELi0ELin1ELi1EEEEE but requested type was N5Eigen6MatrixIdLi3ELi1ELi0ELi3ELi1EEE

Seems like some internal data type has been updated -- no idea how to fix this. Could someone look into this?

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