gtsam::writeG2o and gtsam.readG2o do not share prior factor information of the graph.

Issue #264 wontfix
Tal Regev created an issue

I am writing in C++ code, then I want to visualize my graph with matlab. I notice that, gtsam::writeG2o and gtsam.readG2o do not share prior factor information of the graph.

In the g2o file there is no information about prior factor.

Can you add this functionality?

Regards, Tal Regev.

Comments (4)

  1. Frank Dellaert

    Is that supported by the G2o format? if so, feel free to add it according to their specs and do a pull request

  2. Tal Regev reporter


    I suggest that if the first node has edge to itself it consider as a prior factor, and the information will add on the edge.

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