gtsam IMUKITTIExampleGPS data format description

Issue #289 resolved
Ivan Panchenko created an issue

Hello! Nice to meet you and thanks a lot for contibuting such a useful example for gtsam new users. I have successfully run it and now want to make test with different data. As the first step, I tried to make a data of the same format from KITTI raw data. I did that using the kitti raw data but the result seems completely wrong. So, can you please figure out my mistake. GPS posses seem to be OK as I take every 100'th from raw dataset (so update every 1second). Next, I want to create analog of KittiEquivBiasedImu.txt

Can you please explain what should be the data in it. I used Acceleration (in m/s^2) and angular rate (rad/s) w.r.t. car coordinate system (car front, left, top). And this is probably incorrect.

p.s. How did you get such a long log of KITTI data? It is about 5 minutes, there are no such long records in KITTI webpage. It seems like it is possible to merge different raw records into one, is it correct?

Comments (3)

  1. Ivan Panchenko reporter

    problem was in pykitti wrapper which didn't sort log files for reading which lead to random order of point.

  2. 程相

    I really hope you can tell me what these two folders mean. I haven't seen them clearly now. Thank you very much

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