Very slow factor graph optimization

Issue #298 wontfix
Felix Goldberg created an issue

Using the Matlab wrapper I created a factor graph with 13 cameras and 318 world points, with a total 6398 projections which I added to the graph using GenericProjectionFactorCal3_S2. Also, 12 of the cameras are fixed using NonlinearEqualityPose3.

When I solve it using LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer with default parameters I get the right results (validated by comparison to a pure Matlab implementation of BA) but excruciatingly slowly: 4.5s instead of 0.23s in pure Matlab.

Is this reasonable? Is GTSAM known to slow way down on such graphs or am I doing something wrong? I tried to play around with the LM parameters but to little avail.

Many thanks in advance,


P.S. Actually this scenario is about a stereo camera in 13 different poses. Since the relative pose between the left & right cameras is known, I use the body_P_sensor argument of GenericProjectionFactorCal3_S2 to encode observations in the right camera.

Comments (8)

  1. Mandy Xie

    Hi, sorry it takes so long for us to get back to you. You might have already figured out this problem, however, if not, I would suggest you try the newest version to see if you still have the same issue. If you do, please let us know, we will start from here.

  2. Frank Dellaert

    @m_matrix , I know this was a long time ago, but do you still have a file with the data ? We can maybe use it as a benchmark which I want to set up, as part of a CI server.

  3. José Luis Blanco-Claraco

    Hi Frank: Just in case it might be useful, here’s a test for iSAM2 & LevMarq. with 20 keyframes with stereo observations:

    Now that I’m revisiting it, I realized there is no automated load and check vs. the ground truth, though… (sigh)

    BTW: the iSAM2 version doesn’t work due to the smart factors bug (still on the queue…).

  4. Frank Dellaert

    Jose. We will announce this soon, but we are moving to Github. Do you want to do a PR there?

    Regarding the smartfactor bug, did you see my recent comment? I’d propose you open a new issue on github so we can close the other one.

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