Remove dangerous Vector_(3,...) style constructors

Issue #30 resolved
Frank Dellaert created an issue

I ran into another frustrating bug because of this. I propose we remove them before releasing 3.0. @richardroberts, agree? Jing, can you remove them?

Search for the variable argument C code... I know at least 3 locations (Vector,Matrix,LieVector).

Comments (8)

  1. Jing Dong

    I think I may miss some of them previously... anyway, I will fix them now. @richardroberts should I fork a new branch or directly fix them in develop branch?

  2. Frank Dellaert reporter

    No, I mean, remove the functions now. If you missed any, they will no longer compile...

  3. Richard Roberts

    yes, I agree we should remove them. I think another good thing if we have time is to make all functions in matrix and vector .h, .cpp, implemented as inline functions that just call the proper Eigen call and return the proper expression type. Instead of the slow implementations we currently have.

    Do you think this is worth investing the time in for 3.0?

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