Bugs in Cython wrapper

Issue #328 resolved
Y Simson created an issue

1) In debug mode all the locals generated by cython wrapper are printed. This makes debugging much harder than it aught to be


from gtsam import Point3

throws an error:

  File "gtsam/gtsam.pyx", line 921, in gtsam.gtsam.Point3.vector (gtsam.cpp:33814)
    return ndarray_copy(ret).squeeze()
  File "eigency/conversions.pyx", line 28, in eigency.conversions.ndarray_copy_double_F (eigency/conversions.cpp:2958)
    cdef int itemsize = np.dtype(dtype).itemsize
TypeError: data type "double" not understood

Comments (5)

  1. Duy-Nguyen Ta

    Thanks for the report! I'm aware of the first problem. Haven't got time to fix it yet.

    I can't reproduce the second bug. Which versions of cython, numpy and eigency are you using?

  2. Y Simson reporter

    Thanks for that fast response.

    I guess I can use a logger with outputs to text file to work around the first problem.

    The second problem was caused by an error on my part. I switched python virtual environments but forgot to update the eigency installs in that environment.

  3. Duy-Nguyen Ta

    Ah great! I'm working on a way to avoid the Eigency installation issue. I'll look into the first problem after finishing that. Thanks!

  4. Y Simson reporter

    In debug mode all the locals generated by cython wrapper are printed is a known issue. The second problem was my own error.

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