Eigen errors when compiling develop branch
I'm getting the following error when compiling the latest commit on the develop branch (commit 5e5e3fffb212448d7b06a3aacc1bf0049836b701). As shown below, the error is in geometry/Cal3Bundler.cpp
, but I also get the same errors in Car3DS2.cpp
, Cal3DS2_Base.cpp
, Cal3Unified.cpp
, Car3_S2Stereo.cpp
, Cal3_S2.cpp
, Pont3.cpp
and Point2.cpp
c:\eigen_3.3.4\eigen\src/Core/DenseCoeffsBase.h(216): error C2338: OUT_OF_RANGE_ACCESS (compiling source file C:\gtsam\gtsam\geometry\Cal3Bundler.cpp)
5> c:\eigen_3.3.4\eigen\src/Core/DenseCoeffsBase.h(215): note: while compiling class template member function 'const double &Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived,0>::w(void) const'
5> with
5> [
5> Derived=gtsam::Vector3
5> ] (compiling source file C:\gtsam\gtsam\geometry\Cal3Bundler.cpp)
5> c:\eigen_3.3.4\eigen\src/Core/DenseCoeffsBase.h(301): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived,0>' being compiled
5> with
5> [
5> Derived=gtsam::Vector3
5> ] (compiling source file C:\gtsam\gtsam\geometry\Cal3Bundler.cpp)
5> c:\eigen_3.3.4\eigen\src/Core/DenseCoeffsBase.h(553): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived,1>' being compiled
5> with
5> [
5> Derived=gtsam::Vector3
5> ] (compiling source file C:\gtsam\gtsam\geometry\Cal3Bundler.cpp)
5> c:\eigen_3.3.4\eigen\src/Core/DenseBase.h(47): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived,3>' being compiled
5> with
5> [
5> Derived=gtsam::Vector3
5> ] (compiling source file C:\gtsam\gtsam\geometry\Cal3Bundler.cpp)
5> c:\eigen_3.3.4\eigen\src/Core/MatrixBase.h(50): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'Eigen::DenseBase<Derived>' being compiled
5> with
5> [
5> Derived=gtsam::Vector3
5> ] (compiling source file C:\gtsam\gtsam\geometry\Cal3Bundler.cpp)
5> C:\gtsam\gtsam/base/Vector.h(45): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'Eigen::MatrixBase<gtsam::Vector3>' being compiled (compiling source file C:\gtsam\gtsam\geometry\Cal3Bundler.cpp)
I'm on Windows 10 x64, compiling with Visual Studio 2015 (VS14). I'm using the release version of Eigen 3.3.4 (GTSAM_USE_SYSTEM_EIGEN
is enabled) since I need to use eigen with my main project. Full config is below.
Boost version: 1.64.0
Found the following Boost libraries:
Ignoring Boost restriction on optional lvalue assignment from rvalues
[Warning] FindTBB.cmake: The use of TBB_ARCHITECTURE and TBB_COMPILER is deprecated and may not be supported in future versions. Please set $ENV{TBB_ARCH_PLATFORM} (using tbbvars.[bat|csh|sh]).
Found Intel TBB
Building 3rdparty
Could NOT find GeographicLib (missing: GeographicLib_LIBRARY_DIRS GeographicLib_LIBRARIES GeographicLib_INCLUDE_DIRS)
Building base
Building geometry
Building inference
Building symbolic
Building discrete
Building linear
Building nonlinear
Building sam
Building sfm
Building slam
Building smart
Building navigation
GTSAM Version: 4.0.0
Install prefix: C:/Program Files/GTSAM
Building GTSAM - shared
Building wrap module gtsam
Installing Matlab Toolbox to C:/Program Files/GTSAM/gtsam_toolbox
Building base_unstable
Building geometry_unstable
Building linear_unstable
Building discrete_unstable
Building dynamics_unstable
Building nonlinear_unstable
Building slam_unstable
GTSAM_UNSTABLE Version: 4.0.0
Install prefix: C:/Program Files/GTSAM
Building GTSAM_UNSTABLE - shared
Building wrap module gtsam_unstable
Installing Matlab Toolbox to C:/Program Files/GTSAM/gtsam_toolbox
Wrote C:/gtsam/build/GTSAMConfig.cmake
Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE)
================ Configuration Options ======================
Build flags
Build Tests : Enabled
Build examples with 'make all' : Enabled
Build timing scripts with 'make all': Disabled
Build static GTSAM library instead of shared: Disabled
Put build type in library name : Enabled
Build libgtsam_unstable : Enabled
Use System Eigen : Yes
Use Intel TBB : Yes
Eigen will use MKL : Yes
Eigen will use MKL and OpenMP : OpenMP found but GTSAM_WITH_EIGEN_MKL_OPENMP is disabled
Default allocator : TBB
Packaging flags
CPack Source Generator : TGZ
CPack Generator : TGZ
GTSAM flags
Quaternions as default Rot3 : Disabled
Runtime consistency checking : Disabled
Rot3 retract is full ExpMap : Disabled
Pose3 retract is full ExpMap : Disabled
Deprecated in GTSAM 4 allowed : Enabled
Point3 is typedef to Vector3 : Disabled
Metis-based Nested Dissection : Enabled
Use tangent-space preintegration: Enabled
MATLAB toolbox flags
Install matlab toolbox : Enabled
Build Wrap : Enabled
Python module flags
Build python module : Disabled
Cython toolbox flags
Install Cython toolbox : Disabled
Build Wrap : Enabled
Comments (10)
reporter -
assigned issue to
assigned issue to
assigned issue to
assigned issue to
Hi Anup - I don't have a windows machine. Is this still an issue with the latest develop? We now build with 3.3.4 on system and see no problems on Ubuntu.
reporter Yes still the exact same issue.
Suspected Windows compilation issue: very little I can do, because I don't have a Windows machine. Nor do I have the experience with Windows compilers that I think is needed to resolve this. If any one of you wants to pick this up, please self-assign yourself to this issue. We would love to have some motivated windows contributors, and can also give write access to the repo so you don't have to fork :-) We're trying to actively run down the issue list in preparation for an official GTSAM 4 release. But If we can't find anyone to pick up these issues, I see no choice but to put these "on hold".
try fix/msvc2017 branch....
I'll give this a try with what I have on hand. Regarding your setup ...
- Which Visual Studio 2017 (Mine is 15.8.7)?
- Which boost (Mine is 1.68, targeting toolset vc141 on x86_64 [ex: libboost_serialization-vc141-mt-x64-1_68.lib])?
15.8.9, boost 167
- changed status to resolved
Eigen was upgraded, please pull develop and open a new issue if still a problem.
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If I use the builtin eigen distributed with gtsam, I get the
errors described in#357.