Issue with ISAM2

Issue #412 closed
PATRIK PERSSON created an issue

Running the VisualISAM2Example using the latest version of gtsam, the solution does not converge to the ground truth as well as previous versions. In an older version (2018-10-18 15:40:57) all landmarks converged close to [+-10,+-10,+-10], but in the current versions large deviations of +- 1.3 can be seen even when the update function is called several times. It can also be seen that the number of re-linearized elements are always above zero even when update is called several times, and that the error only decreases after the first call to update.

Result form previous version:

Screenshot from 2018-12-17 15-26-34.png

Result form latest version:

Screenshot from 2018-12-17 15-26-16.png

Compiled the latest version to date 17/12/2018. Ubuntu 18.04 64bit

The example code used:

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • GTSAM Copyright 2010, Georgia Tech Research Corporation,
  • Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415
  • All Rights Reserved
  • Authors: Frank Dellaert, et al. (see THANKS for the full author list)

  • See LICENSE for the license information

  • -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* * @file VisualISAM2Example.cpp * @brief A visualSLAM example for the structure-from-motion problem on a * simulated dataset This version uses iSAM2 to solve the problem incrementally * @author Duy-Nguyen Ta /

/* * A structure-from-motion example with landmarks * - The landmarks form a 10 meter cube * - The robot rotates around the landmarks, always facing towards the cube /

// For loading the data #include "SFMdata.h"

// Camera observations of landmarks will be stored as Point2 (x, y). #include <gtsam/geometry/Point2.h>

// Each variable in the system (poses and landmarks) must be identified with a // unique key. We can either use simple integer keys (1, 2, 3, ...) or symbols // (X1, X2, L1). Here we will use Symbols #include <gtsam/inference/Symbol.h>

// We want to use iSAM2 to solve the structure-from-motion problem // incrementally, so include iSAM2 here #include <gtsam/nonlinear/ISAM2.h>

// iSAM2 requires as input a set of new factors to be added stored in a factor // graph, and initial guesses for any new variables used in the added factors #include <gtsam/nonlinear/NonlinearFactorGraph.h> #include <gtsam/nonlinear/Values.h>

// In GTSAM, measurement functions are represented as 'factors'. Several common // factors have been provided with the library for solving robotics/SLAM/Bundle // Adjustment problems. Here we will use Projection factors to model the // camera's landmark observations. Also, we will initialize the robot at some // location using a Prior factor. #include <gtsam/slam/PriorFactor.h> #include <gtsam/slam/ProjectionFactor.h>

#include <vector>

using namespace std; using namespace gtsam;

/ ********** / int main(int argc, char argv[]) { // Define the camera calibration parameters Cal3_S2::shared_ptr K(new Cal3_S2(50.0, 50.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0));

// Define the camera observation noise model, 1 pixel stddev auto measurementNoise = noiseModel::Isotropic::Sigma(2, 1.0);

// Create the set of ground-truth landmarks vector<Point3> points = createPoints();

for(size_t i =0; i < points.size(); i++) { std::cout << "Point: " << std::endl << points[i] << std::endl; }

// Create the set of ground-truth poses vector<Pose3> poses = createPoses();

// Create an iSAM2 object. Unlike iSAM1, which performs periodic batch steps // to maintain proper linearization and efficient variable ordering, iSAM2 // performs partial relinearization/reordering at each step. A parameter // structure is available that allows the user to set various properties, such // as the relinearization threshold and type of linear solver. For this // example, we we set the relinearization threshold small so the iSAM2 result // will approach the batch result. ISAM2Params parameters; parameters.relinearizeThreshold = 0.01; parameters.relinearizeSkip = 1; parameters.evaluateNonlinearError = true; ISAM2 isam(parameters);

// Create a Factor Graph and Values to hold the new data NonlinearFactorGraph graph; Values initialEstimate;

// Loop over the poses, adding the observations to iSAM incrementally for (size_t i = 0; i < poses.size(); ++i) { // Add factors for each landmark observation for (size_t j = 0; j < points.size(); ++j) { SimpleCamera camera(poses[i], *K); Point2 measurement = camera.project(points[j]); graph.emplace_shared<GenericProjectionFactor<Pose3, Point3, Cal3_S2> >( measurement, measurementNoise, Symbol('x', i), Symbol('l', j), K); }

// Add an initial guess for the current pose
// Intentionally initialize the variables off from the ground truth
static Pose3 kDeltaPose(Rot3::Rodrigues(-0.1, 0.2, 0.25),
                        Point3(0.05, -0.10, 0.20));
initialEstimate.insert(Symbol('x', i), poses[i] * kDeltaPose);

// If this is the first iteration, add a prior on the first pose to set the
// coordinate frame and a prior on the first landmark to set the scale Also,
// as iSAM solves incrementally, we must wait until each is observed at
// least twice before adding it to iSAM.
if (i == 0) {
  // Add a prior on pose x0, 30cm std on x,y,z and 0.1 rad on roll,pitch,yaw
  static auto kPosePrior = noiseModel::Diagonal::Sigmas(
      (Vector(6) << Vector3::Constant(0.3), Vector3::Constant(0.1))
  graph.emplace_shared<PriorFactor<Pose3> >(Symbol('x', 0), poses[0],

  // Add a prior on landmark l0
  static auto kPointPrior = noiseModel::Isotropic::Sigma(3, 0.1);
  graph.emplace_shared<PriorFactor<Point3> >(Symbol('l', 0), points[0],

  // Add initial guesses to all observed landmarks
  // Intentionally initialize the variables off from the ground truth
  static Point3 kDeltaPoint(-0.25, 0.20, 0.15);
  for (size_t j = 0; j < points.size(); ++j)
    initialEstimate.insert<Point3>(Symbol('l', j), points[j] + kDeltaPoint);

} else {
  // Update iSAM with the new factors
  gtsam::ISAM2Result result = isam.update(graph, initialEstimate);
  // Each call to iSAM2 update(*) performs one iteration of the iterative
  // nonlinear solver. If accuracy is desired at the expense of time,
  // update(*) can be called additional times to perform multiple optimizer
  // iterations every step.

  std::cout << "errors before " << *result.errorBefore << " error after " << *result.errorAfter << " relinearized: " << result.variablesRelinearized << std::endl;

  result = isam.update();

  std::cout << "errors before " << *result.errorBefore << " error after " << *result.errorAfter << " relinearized: " << result.variablesRelinearized << std::endl;

  result = isam.update();

  std::cout << "errors before " << *result.errorBefore << " error after " << *result.errorAfter << " relinearized: " << result.variablesRelinearized << std::endl;
  result = isam.update();

  std::cout << "errors before " << *result.errorBefore << " error after " << *result.errorAfter << " relinearized: " << result.variablesRelinearized << std::endl;
  result = isam.update();

  std::cout << "errors before " << *result.errorBefore << " error after " << *result.errorAfter << " relinearized: " << result.variablesRelinearized << std::endl;
  result = isam.update();

  std::cout << "errors before " << *result.errorBefore << " error after " << *result.errorAfter << " relinearized: " << result.variablesRelinearized << std::endl;
  result = isam.update();

  std::cout << "errors before " << *result.errorBefore << " error after " << *result.errorAfter << " relinearized: " << result.variablesRelinearized << std::endl;
  result = isam.update();

  std::cout << "errors before " << *result.errorBefore << " error after " << *result.errorAfter << " relinearized: " << result.variablesRelinearized << std::endl;
  result = isam.update();

  std::cout << "errors before " << *result.errorBefore << " error after " << *result.errorAfter << " relinearized: " << result.variablesRelinearized << std::endl;

  Values currentEstimate = isam.calculateEstimate();
  cout << "****************************************************" << endl;
  cout << "Frame " << i << ": " << endl;
  currentEstimate.print("Current estimate: ");

  // Clear the factor graph and values for the next iteration


return 0; } / *********** /

Comments (11)

  1. Frank Dellaert

    Wow, that's not good. Can you do a diff on gtsam/inference between now and then to help us figure out where things may go wrong?

  2. Chris Beall

    This issue is caused by the bad assignment operator in GenericValue.h. See issue #401 for another manifestation.

    Commenting out the empty assignment operator (so that we get a default version as before), or applying the fix I proposed in PR #345 restores the expected behavior. Let's merge PR #345 and sort out windows issues in another PR?

  3. Frank Dellaert

    I'm very confused now, as: 1) I added a test on that branch, and I get no good convergence 2) I went back to 10/18/2018 develop, and also get no good convergence :-( But, I have an idea as to the cause...

  4. Chris Beall

    I tried your test on PR #345, and also on latest develop (without the GenericValue fix). Very different result, even though both fail. However, see output from running example directly further below.

    On PR #345:

    169/233 Test #169: testVisualISAM2 ........................***Failed    0.02 sec
    Not equal:
    [-10, 10, 10]'
    [-10.1235, 9.9085, 10.0004]'
    /home/cbeall/git/gtsam/tests/testVisualISAM2.cpp:115: Failure: "assert_equal(points[j],<Point3>(key), 0.01)" 
    Not equal:
    [-10, -10, 10]'
    [-10.1573, -10.3013, 9.90939]'
    /home/cbeall/git/gtsam/tests/testVisualISAM2.cpp:115: Failure: "assert_equal(points[j],<Point3>(key), 0.01)" 
    Not equal:
    [10, -10, 10]'
    [9.88995, -10.1206, 10.091]'
    /home/cbeall/git/gtsam/tests/testVisualISAM2.cpp:115: Failure: "assert_equal(points[j],<Point3>(key), 0.01)" 
    Not equal:
    [10, 10, -10]'
    [10.0052, 9.94821, -10.053]'
    /home/cbeall/git/gtsam/tests/testVisualISAM2.cpp:115: Failure: "assert_equal(points[j],<Point3>(key), 0.01)" 
    Not equal:
    [-10, 10, -10]'
    [-10.042, 9.98754, -10.0512]'
    /home/cbeall/git/gtsam/tests/testVisualISAM2.cpp:115: Failure: "assert_equal(points[j],<Point3>(key), 0.01)" 
    Not equal:
    [-10, -10, -10]'
    [-10.0227, -9.90519, -10.0452]'
    /home/cbeall/git/gtsam/tests/testVisualISAM2.cpp:115: Failure: "assert_equal(points[j],<Point3>(key), 0.01)" 
    Not equal:
    [10, -10, -10]'
    [10.0466, -9.93613, -9.91675]'
    /home/cbeall/git/gtsam/tests/testVisualISAM2.cpp:115: Failure: "assert_equal(points[j],<Point3>(key), 0.01)" 
    There were 7 failures

    On develop:

    169/233 Test #169: testVisualISAM2 ........................***Failed    0.01 sec
    Not equal:
    [-10, 10, 10]'
    [-11.3027, 9.85156, 9.92438]'
    /home/cbeall/git/gtsam2/tests/testVisualISAM2.cpp:115: Failure: "assert_equal(points[j],<Point3>(key), 0.01)" 
    Not equal:
    [-10, -10, 10]'
    [-11.1467, -11.4505, 9.61181]'
    /home/cbeall/git/gtsam2/tests/testVisualISAM2.cpp:115: Failure: "assert_equal(points[j],<Point3>(key), 0.01)" 
    Not equal:
    [10, -10, 10]'
    [10.1489, -11.2968, 9.68799]'
    /home/cbeall/git/gtsam2/tests/testVisualISAM2.cpp:115: Failure: "assert_equal(points[j],<Point3>(key), 0.01)" 
    Not equal:
    [10, 10, -10]'
    [9.39996, 9.47677, -10.4847]'
    /home/cbeall/git/gtsam2/tests/testVisualISAM2.cpp:115: Failure: "assert_equal(points[j],<Point3>(key), 0.01)" 
    Not equal:
    [-10, 10, -10]'
    [-10.4587, 9.38888, -10.5234]'
    /home/cbeall/git/gtsam2/tests/testVisualISAM2.cpp:115: Failure: "assert_equal(points[j],<Point3>(key), 0.01)" 
    Not equal:
    [-10, -10, -10]'
    [-10.3681, -10.4422, -10.7902]'
    /home/cbeall/git/gtsam2/tests/testVisualISAM2.cpp:115: Failure: "assert_equal(points[j],<Point3>(key), 0.01)" 
    Not equal:
    [10, -10, -10]'
    [9.46036, -10.3813, -10.7521]'
    /home/cbeall/git/gtsam2/tests/testVisualISAM2.cpp:115: Failure: "assert_equal(points[j],<Point3>(key), 0.01)" 
    There were 7 failures

    Things do seem to converge properly for me when I run examples/VisualISAM2Example directly:

    On PR #345:

    Frame 7: 
    Current estimate: Values with 16 values:
    Value l0: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [10, 10, 10]'
    Value l1: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [-10.0022, 10.0004, 10.0013]'
    Value l2: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [-10.0043, -10.0029, 10.0006]'
    Value l3: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [9.9988, -10.0008, 10]'
    Value l4: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [9.99823, 10.0003, -10.0007]'
    Value l5: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [-10.0032, 10.0005, -10.0011]'
    Value l6: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [-10.0036, -10.0019, -10.0017]'
    Value l7: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [9.99705, -10.0018, -10.001]'

    On develop:

    Frame 7: 
    Current estimate: Values with 16 values:
    Value l0: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [9.99998, 9.99998, 9.99998]'
    Value l1: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [-11.3027, 9.85156, 9.92438]'
    Value l2: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [-11.1467, -11.4505, 9.61181]'
    Value l3: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [10.1489, -11.2968, 9.68799]'
    Value l4: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [9.39996, 9.47677, -10.4847]'
    Value l5: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [-10.4587, 9.38888, -10.5234]'
    Value l6: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [-10.3681, -10.4422, -10.7902]'
    Value l7: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [9.46036, -10.3813, -10.7521]'
  5. Frank Dellaert

    I added an extra update that I had removed, and now test succeeds on your branch, as well as on 10/18 develop. So, PR #345 does fix it ! I wil start a compile on Windows (looooong) and try to fix the one outstanding issue there, then merge.

  6. Shaolin Lü

    I met the same problem, too. It seemes that the problem occurs at this line. Values currentEstimate = isam.calculateEstimate(); I went back to January version. The problem did not come out. fastBackSubstitute function was different with that one in the elder version. It runs faster,lastBacksubVariableCount is always zero, however the results are not convergent. optimizeWildfire was rewritten. This part was totally different with the elder one. By the way, if USE_BROKEN_FAST_BACKSUBSTITUTE was defined in config.h, the program visualisam2 will crashed.

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