Clone wikijira-quick-subtasks / Home
Table of Contents
- About
- Features
- Usage / Variables
- Template Management
- Examples
- Screenshots
- Disabling specific Features
- Issue Tracker
- Debugging and Logging
- Where are plugin settings stored in the database?
- Legacy Data Format Migrations
- Data security and privacy statement
- End User License Agreement (EULA)
- End of Support
The Quick Subtasks Plugin for Jira allows you to write down a list of subtasks using a special syntax anywhere you want - e.g. a text editor or in your wiki and afterwards paste them in your Jira instance and create multiple subtasks for a given issue.
In addition one may define pre-set subtask-templates for each project in the administration area or custom user templates.
A workflow function allows to create sub-tasks from a given template when the designated workflow transition is triggered.
The latest release contains the following features:
Integration into Jira's issue operation menu
Creating multiple subtasks for a selected issue
Specifying the summary, description and the estimated time for each subtask using a special syntax
Specifying the issue types for all subtasks to be created
Permission checks to ensure a secure integration
Manage multiple sub-task templates for each project in the administration area
The security schema of the parent issue is applied to all subtasks created
Subtasks inherit the priority from their parent issue, otherwise you may specify it for every subtask
Create subtasks when a workflow transition is reached
Integration into the workflow editor
Set one or more labels for each subtask
Use placeholders in a subtasks summary
Setting dynamic due dates
User customized subtask templates
Usage / Variables
In its simplest form you may specify multiple subtasks to be created for the current issue by typing - summary - if you need more than one - each new line in this format makes a new subtask.
In addition you may specify the following additional fields for the subtasks:
- estimate: The estimated time for the subtask. An example: Create an issue with a summary "Fix XSS Bug" and an estimate 4 days and 20 minutes:
- Fix XSS Bug / estimate:"4d 20m"
- assignee: The Jira user the subtask will be assigned to. An example: Create an issue with a summary "Fix XSS Bug" and assign it to the user named "admin":
Since 3.3.0 you may use placeholders to set the current user as assignee or to inherit the assignee from the parent issue.
Please note: If you've disable unassigned issues in the general system configuration and no assignee is set in your subtask template or the assignee can't be found, the plugin tries to use the project lead as the fallback assignee (since version 3.3.1).
#!bash - Fix XSS Bug / assignee:"admin" - Add Documentation / assignee:"@current" - CDN Updates / assignee:"@inherit"
- description: The issue's description. An example: Create an issue with a summary "Fix XSS Bug" and a description "Filter request parameters":
- Fix XSS Bug / description:"Filter request parameters"
Multiline descriptions (since 4.0.0): You may use {n} as a placeholder for a newline here. e.g.
- subtask / description:"this is a list{n}* one{n}* two{n}* three{n}"
- priority: The issue priority. If not specified, the parent issue's priority will be applied to the subtask. An example: Create an issue with a summary "Fix XSS Bug" and set the priority to "Critical":
- Fix XSS Bug / priority:"Critical"
- component: The component. Since 4.3.0 the parent issue's components may be inherited (@inherit). An example: Create an issue with a summary "Fix XSS Bug" and assign the component "Documentation":
- Fix XSS Bug / component:"Documentation"
Another example: Create an issue with summary "QA" and inherit the components from the parent issue:
- QA / component:"@inherit"
You may also assign multiple components, separated by a comma e.g.:
- QA / component:"Component1,Component2"
- labels (since 2.4.0): One or more labels. Separate multiple labels using a comma. An example: Create an issue with summary "Website error" and add two labels "bug" and "unconfirmed":
Since 3.2.0 labels may also be inherited from the parent issue using @inherit as a placeholder.
- Website error / labels:"bug,unconfirmed" - Add documentation / labels:"docs,@inherit,qa"
fixversion (since 2.5.0): The fix version. The parent issue's fix versions may be inherited using @inherit.
An example: Create an issue with summary "Documentation" and fixversion "v1.0":
- Documentation / fixversion:"v1.0".
- Another example: Create an issue with summary "Documentation" and fixversions inherited from the parent issue:
- Documentation / fixversion:"@inherit"
affectedversion (since 2.5.0): The affected version. The parent issue's affected versions may be inherited using @inherit.
An example: Create an issue with summary "Documentation" and affectedversion "v1.0":
- Documentation / affectedversion:"v1.0"
- Another example. Create an issue with summary "Documentation" and affectedversion inherited from the parent issue:
- Documentation / affectedversion:"@inherit"
Issue Type
- issueType (since 2.5.0): The subtask issue type. An example: Create an issue with summary "Website Error" and subtask issue type "Bugfix Subtask":
- Website Error / issueType:"Bugfix Subtask"
Due Date
duedate (since 3.0.0): The due date. There are three ways to set a due date:
Inherit it from the parent issue using
- Specify an absolute date e.g.
- Specify a relative date e.g.
You may use m for month, d for day and y for year here to specify the relative date you need.
You may also specify a negative time span to substract the date from the parent issue's date or the current date (since 3.4.0) e.g.:
duedate:"@inherit-4d" duedate:"@now-4d"
- reporter (since 3.0.0): The reporter. Since 4.3.0, reporter may be inherited from the parent issue (@inherit). An example: Create an issue with summary "Test" and set the user "joe" as the reporter:
- Test / reporter:"joe"
Another example: Create an issue with summary "QA" and inherit reporters from the parent issue:
- QA / reporter:"@inherit"
Links / Relations
- link (since 3.3.0): Issue links. You may specify inward/outgoing links using the link type name and a target issue. An example: "Create an issue with summary "Test" and add an inward link of issue-link-type Blocker to the issue DEMO-4:
- Test / link:"Blocker <- DEMO-4"
- Subtask / link:"Blocker -> DEMO-4"
Custom Fields (Inheriting)
- cfield (since 4.0.0): Allows to inherit the parent issue's custom-fields. An example: Create an issue with a summary "Test" and inherit the customfield cf1 and cf2 from the parent issue:
- Test / cfield:"cf1:@inherit" cfield:"cf2:@inherit"
The following custom-field types are currently suported:
- Checkboxes
- Text Field (Single Line)
- Date Picker
- Number Field
- Text Field (Multi Line)
- URL Field
- User Picker (single user)
- Select List (multiple choices)
- Date Time Picker
Custom Fields (Assigning)
- cfield (since 4.2.0): Allows to assign values to the sub-tasks custom-fields. An example: Create an issue with a summary "Test" and set the value of the number custom-field named somenumber to the value 3.5:
- Test / cfield:"somenumber:3.5"
The following custom-field types are currently supported (more to come):
- Text Field (Single Line)
- Number Field
- Text Field (Multi Line)
- Select List (Single Choice)
When using Text Field (Multi Line) custom fields, since version 4.10 you may use {n} as a placeholder for a newline here. e.g.
- subtask / cfield:"cfieldname:this is a list{n}* one{n}* two{n}* three{n}"
- watcher (since 4.3.0): Issue watchers. Since 4.6.0 the parent issue's watchers may be inherited using @inherit as placeholder.
An example: Create an issue with summary "Test" and add users "selma" and "fred" as watchers:
- Test / watcher:"selma,fred"
Another example: Create an issue with summary "Test" and inherit the parent issue's watchers:
- Test / watcher:"@inherit"
Using Placeholders in the Summary
You may use placeholders for each subtask's summary. Supported placeholders are:
: The parent issue's summary. -
: The parent issue's issue key.
Dynamic Due Dates
You may specify a due date in a static format e.g. 2014-05-23 or as a relative date e.g.:
- subtask / duedate:"@now" - subtask / duedate:"@now+1d" - subtask / duedate:"@now+1m" - subtask / duedate:"@now+1y" - subtask / duedate:"@now+1d1m1y" - subtask / duedate:"@inherit"
Additional Features
Issue Type: You may choose the issue type in the select box in the dataentry screen or - when using a workflow postprocessing function - in the workflow editor.
Prefixing: If you select this option in the dataentry screen every subtask to be created will be prefixed by the parent issue's summary.
Template Management
When creating subtasks with the Quick Subtasks Addon regularly, you can save some time by creating re-usable templates.
Those templates are available in the Quick Subtasks Create Screen and looks similar to this one:
The following scopes for templates may be used:
User Templates
A user template may be viewed, edited and used only by the user that created it.
You may manage your personal templates (user templates) by clicking in your profile picture in Jira's top navigation and by selecting "Subtask Templates" there.
You should be able to manage your personal templates now in the following screen:
Project Templates
As a project administrator or system administrator you may manage subtask templates for each Jira project.
These templates are available only for the specific project and may be configured in the project administration area as shown below:
Global Templates
If you want subtask templates to be visible for all projects you may create global subtask templates.
You can find the management screen in the Jira system administration area as shown below:
- Implementation - Write unit tests / estimate:"3h" - Write Acceptance tests / estimate:"6h" labels:"testing,atdd" fixversion:"1.5-alpha" -Code Review / assignee:"mkops" component:"testing" affectedversion:"preview-1" - End user documentation / description:"Create end user documentation" estimate:"4h" assignee:"mkops" priority:"Critical" - Call back customer / issueType:"CRM-Subtask"
Pasting the text from above into the plugin would create the following subtasks for the selected issue:
A subtask with summary "Implementation"
A subtask with summary "Write unit test" and and time estimate of 3 hours
A subtask with summary "Write Acceptance test" a time estimate of 6 hours, two labels named "testing" and "attd" and fixversion 1.5-alpha assigned
A subtask with summary "Code Review" -> the missing whitespace after the "-" is no problem here, the task will be assigned to the user "mkops" and the component named "testing" will be assigned to the issue also as the version "preview-1" as affected version.
A subtask with summary "End user documentation", a description "Create end user documentation" and and time estimate of 4 hours, assigned to the user "mkops" and its priority set to "Critical"
A subtask with summary "Call back customer", the subtask issue type "CRM-Subtask" (must exist!) is assigned
The following screenshots might give you an expression of the plugin's features:
Issue Operation Menu Integration
Creating multiple Subtasks
Subtasks Created
Managing Subtask Templates in the Administration Area
Add Workflow Function
Modify Workflow Postprocessing Function
Disabling specific Features
Since release 4.0.0 it is possible to deactivate specific features of the Quick Subtasks plugin for the global Jira instance.
As Jira administrator simply go to the addons administration ("Manage add-ons"), scroll down to "Quick Subtasks Plugin for Jira" and unfold the entry to list the modules loaded from the plugin (x of y plugins enabled).
You may disable the modules marked with "Feature" in its description (use at own risk). Afterwards the specific feature is not displayed in the usage help and will be disabled.
Issue Tracker
Please feel free to use this issuetracker if you have proposals, feature requests or bugs to report!
Debugging and Logging
To gather more detailed information about what the plugin is doing behind the scenes, please feel free to modify your logging configuration in Jira.
As an administrator please go to Jira Administration -> System -> Logging & Profiling, click on "Configure logging level for another package." and enter com.hascode as package name and TRACE as log level as shown in the following screen:
Afterwards you should be able to view detailed information about the plugin in action in your Jira's log files (jira/home/log/atlassian-jira.log or jira_latest.log etc.).
A log excerpt could look like this one:
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,226 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [] createSubtasks called with issueKey: DEMO-6 and template: - Log Demo / assignee:"admin" [..]/rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.spi.BasicQuickSubtasksExtensionRegistry] adding quick-subtasks-extension: hascode-assignee-extension - Allows to add an assignee to a sub-task (version 1.0.0) [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,230 http-bio-2990-exec-8 INFO admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.spi.BasicQuickSubtasksExtensionRegistry] 1 quick-subtask-extensions loaded [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,230 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.extension.AssigneeExtension] assignee matcher does match now testing for forbidden characters [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,230 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.extension.AssigneeExtension] extracted assignee: admin [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,230 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.core.DslProcessorImpl] 1 dtos aggregated: [IssueDto [summary=Log Demo, estimated=null, assignee=admin, description=null, priority=null, fixVersion=null, issueType=null, affectedVersion=null, relationDto=null, dueDate=null, reporter=null, customFields={}, components=[], labels=[]]] [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,230 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.core.SubTasksServiceImpl] entering phase 2: pre-processing subtask-issues [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,230 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.core.SubTasksServiceImpl] phase 2: pre-processing single subtask: IssueDto [summary=Log Demo, estimated=null, assignee=admin, description=null, priority=null, fixVersion=null, issueType=null, affectedVersion=null, relationDto=null, dueDate=null, reporter=null, customFields={}, components=[], labels=[]] [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,230 http-bio-2990-exec-8 INFO admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.control.BasicDto2IssueMapper] mapping subtask context: BasicSubtasksContext [reporter=admin(admin), issue=DEMO-6, dslString=- Log Demo / assignee:"admin", issueType=com.atlassian.jira.issue.issuetype.IssueTypeImpl@f04eb6f2, prefixSubtasks=false] [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,231 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.core.BasicSummaryInterpolator] trying to resolve property summary [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,251 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.core.BasicSummaryInterpolator] trying to resolve property assignee [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,251 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.core.BasicSummaryInterpolator] trying to resolve property key [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,251 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.control.BasicDto2IssueMapper] no specialized subtask issue type set, using fallback. [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,252 http-bio-2990-exec-8 INFO admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.spi.BasicQuickSubtasksExtensionRegistry] adding quick-subtasks-extension: hascode-assignee-extension - Allows to add an assignee to a sub-task (version 1.0.0) [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,252 http-bio-2990-exec-8 INFO admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.spi.BasicQuickSubtasksExtensionRegistry] 1 quick-subtask-extensions loaded [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,252 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.extension.AssigneeExtension] system setting 'allow unassigned issues' is set to false [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,252 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.extension.AssigneeExtension] searching for an existing assignee with given name: admin [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,252 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.extension.AssigneeExtension] existing assignee for given name found admin [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,252 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.core.SubTasksServiceImpl] phase 3: persisting concrete subtask Log Demo [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,359 http-bio-2990-exec-8 INFO admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.core.SubTasksServiceImpl] subtask issue successfully created, trying to create subtask-link and to update labels and links.. [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,359 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.core.SubTasksServiceImpl] phase 4: post-processing persisted subtasks [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,359 http-bio-2990-exec-8 INFO admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.spi.BasicQuickSubtasksExtensionRegistry] adding quick-subtasks-extension: hascode-assignee-extension - Allows to add an assignee to a sub-task (version 1.0.0) [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,359 http-bio-2990-exec-8 INFO admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.spi.BasicQuickSubtasksExtensionRegistry] 1 quick-subtask-extensions loaded [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,390 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.core.SubTasksServiceImpl] setting labels.. [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,390 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.core.SubTasksServiceImpl] setting relations.. [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2015-09-08 21:17:11,390 http-bio-2990-exec-8 DEBUG admin 1277x2369x1 1cme2jo /rest/subtasks-create/1.0/facility/issue/DEMO-6 [plugin.quick_subtasks.core.SubTasksServiceImpl] relation name is empty
Where are plugin settings stored in the database?
User Templates
Values are stored in the tables propertyentry and propertytext, the property-key is subtasks-user-username.
SELECT e.ID, e.ENTITY_NAME, e.ENTITY_ID, e.PROPERTY_KEY, e.propertytype, t.propertyvalue FROM propertyentry e LEFT JOIN propertytext t ON e.ID=t.ID WHERE PROPERTY_KEY='subtasks-user-admin'; +-------+-----------------+-----------+---------------------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ID | ENTITY_NAME | ENTITY_ID | PROPERTY_KEY | propertytype | propertyvalue | +-------+-----------------+-----------+---------------------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 10606 | | 1 | subtasks-user-admin | 6 | <list> <com.hascode.plugin.quick__subtasks.dto.IdDecoratingSubtaskTemplate> <id>122bb817-71d1-406b-86a4-4d6dbefe9e46</id> <text>- Subtask 1 - Subtask 2 - Subtask 3</text> <title>User Template 1</title> </com.hascode.plugin.quick__subtasks.dto.IdDecoratingSubtaskTemplate> <com.hascode.plugin.quick__subtasks.dto.IdDecoratingSubtaskTemplate> <id>9923b940-b81b-4e2c-b1b2-d0a166c64043</id> <text>- Subtask 1 - Subtask 2 - Subtask 3</text> <title>User Template 2</title> </com.hascode.plugin.quick__subtasks.dto.IdDecoratingSubtaskTemplate> </list> | +-------+-----------------+-----------+---------------------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Project Templates
Values are stored in the tables propertyentry and propertytext, the property-key is com.hascode.plugin.jira:subtask-templates.
SELECT e.ID, e.ENTITY_NAME, e.ENTITY_ID, e.PROPERTY_KEY, e.propertytype, t.propertyvalue FROM propertyentry e LEFT JOIN propertytext t ON e.ID=t.ID WHERE PROPERTY_KEY='com.hascode.plugin.jira:subtask-templates'; +-------+-------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ID | ENTITY_NAME | ENTITY_ID | PROPERTY_KEY | propertytype | propertyvalue | +-------+-------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 10446 | TEST | 1 | com.hascode.plugin.jira:subtask-templates | 6 | <list> <subtaskTemplate> <text>- Subtask 1 - Subtask 2 - Subtask 3</text> <title>Project Template 1</title> <id>4DEDFA80-7F8A-44EC-8490-EA0D6B585D6A</id> </subtaskTemplate> <subtaskTemplate> <text>- Subtask 1 - Subtask 2 - Subtask 3</text> <title>Project Template 2</title> <id>B01E421D-4006-4330-9700-E0413C7434D7</id> </subtaskTemplate> </list> | +-------+-------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Global Templates
Values are stored in the tables propertyentry and propertytext, the property-key is com.hascode.plugin.jira:subtask-templates:global.
Legacy Data Format Migrations
A rare condition exists, where users, updating from an old Jira version with the Quick Subtasks addon in version <4.0 installed have issues because the database migration did not run as expected.
Therefore in the Quick Subtasks Administration panel there is the possibility to run these migrations manually (since version 4.8.0).
Be careful to backup any data before, I am not responsible for any data loss and be sure to copy the conversion log from the panel afterwards to inspect which artifacts were migrated.
Data security and privacy statement
Please visit the Privacy Statement page.
End User License Agreement (EULA)
Please visit the EULA page.
End of Support
Since version 4.13.0 (December 2018), this add-on is not supported anymore.
2021 Micha Kops /