Bse Indices Not downloading

Issue #18 resolved
Former user created an issue

Dear Hemen,

I tried in debug mode also, but got same issue wrt BSE indices.

I have attached the log file created while downloading in debug mode.

Please check the same from your end and do the needful.

Regards Loganathan

Comments (29)

  1. Hemen Kapadia repo owner


    Keep checking this issue after a couple of days, i will attached a debug build for you which will generate additional debug messages in the log file.

    Regards, Hemen

  2. Loganathan KB

    Hi Hemen,

    Thanks for your response. I will wait for the debug attachment file.

    My mail ID: is

    Regards Loganathan

  3. Deepak Purohit

    Hi Hemen, I also had the same issue of downloading BSE Index Data. More over i had issue downloading data between MAY 2012.



  4. Hemen Kapadia repo owner

    @DJ123143 and Loganathan,

    Please replace your Getbhavcopy with the debug version ( attached with this thread and then follow the troubleshooting guide to generate the log with Debug mode on.

    This will help generate some more logs in the log.txt file to help understand the data returned from BSE for indices.

    Also do you get the BSE issue every time? Or is it occasional ?

  5. Loganathan KB

    Hi Heman,

    I replaced with the debug version. Still Bse Indices date is not downloading. Please see the attached log file for more information.

    Bse indices date issue is happening every time.

  6. Loganathan KB

    I also request you to make proper changes in Getbhavcopy so that we can get Scrip Name (as in NSE) instead of Scrip Code in BSE data which is very helpful.

  7. Hemen Kapadia repo owner

    @BLoganathan , in this issue let us focus on getting the BSE indices working for you.

    As for BSE Script Names instead of codes, it will not be possible as BSE does not provide that in the daily Getbhavcopy. If someone is interested in it then it is a one time manual effort to update the same in their technical analysis software, as compared to GEtbhavcopy downloading redundant information each time.

  8. Hemen Kapadia repo owner

    @BLoganathan , please follow the troubleshooting steps as mentioned in the link above and generate a clean log for only one instance of download ? also download for Dec 28 or 29 2015 etc... The date of 1 Jan is confusing as I cannot differentiate if you local values are messing up with the date format. So a date where i cannot get confused between date and month values in the log would be much better.

    Once more problem is see in the logs is that __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR and __EVENTVALIDATION are being passed as empty. This should not be the case as it should be available when __VIEWSTATE is generated.

    Can you open the URL in your browser and right click on the page and select view source and search for the above three __XXXXX strings and see if there is a value for it. ?

  9. Hemen Kapadia repo owner

    Hi @BLoganathan , the log file you have attached is exactly how I needed it. I see the required parameters in the log that you have attached this time, but it does not include the additional log messages that I added in the latest debug build i created for you.

    Ensure you are using the getbhavcopy that is attached with this thread for generating the log files.

  10. Loganathan KB

    Hi Heman,

    I used the getbhavcopy you attached in this thread and sent the log file generated through that.

  11. Hemen Kapadia repo owner

    Hi @BLoganathan ,

    Apologies from my end, I realized I missed considering an execution flow. I have regenerated a new debug version that is attached with this thread. Please use this one for your analysis.

    Download data for 28th or 29th December, BSE only and provide log only for that session. Delete the log file before you start getbhavcopy for it to generate a new one.

  12. Hemen Kapadia repo owner

    Hi @BLoganathan

    I think the issue here is with some date and time settings that you have in your system that is overriding that format in which Getbhavcopy is sending the data to BSE server.

    This is how your post message payload is going to BSE server

    ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$hidCurrentDate=04-01-2016 00:00:00

    Ans this is how it is going on my machine where it is working fine and data is getting downloaded

    ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$hidCurrentDate=1/5/2016 12:00:00 AM

    Notice how the date formats are different.

    On Windows 10 my date settings are as follows, try to get your settings in similar format and then try once again

    I think short date and short time are the ones you need to set.


  13. Loganathan KB

    Hi Heman,

    I changed the time & date setting as you mentioned. However, BSE indices data downloaded properly from 23/11/2015. I attached the log file generated in debug mode here for 23/11/2015.

  14. Loganathan KB

    Here I attached the log file taken in debug mode for 20/11/2015. Prior to this date data download stops and never proceeds. Please check the same & do the needful.

  15. Loganathan KB

    Also I would like to know how Nse data did not get any problem with my machine's date and time settings.

  16. Hemen Kapadia repo owner

    NSE and BSE accept data in totally different formats and are completely independent - hence it did not encounter any issue. I will look at BSE data download prior to 20 Nov 2015.

  17. Deepak Purohit

    Dear Hemen, I have tried to download back date data, since it still having same issue of downloading data and index. I am attaching Log file kindly check.



  18. Hemen Kapadia repo owner

    @DJ123143 , did you try the date setting suggestion provided above ? I guess you have the same problem as Loganathan, which was fixed with changing the date settings. Try that first.

    With that there is still a problem with download BSE indices data for days proor to November - which needs to be investigated, but for current days it is working fine.

    Also read the above thread on how to generate the log file in debug mode. The log file you attached above is not in Debug mode - so it does not contain the information needed for me to understand the issue on your machine.

  19. Hemen Kapadia repo owner

    Created 2 issues to resolve the problems discussed in the above thread

    Issue#20 - BSE Indices causes data download to stop on some days prior to Nov 2015 Issue#21 - BSE Indices data download is impacted by users dat time settings.

  20. Loganathan KB

    Hi Heman,

    Thank you for responding to the requests and releasing version 2.1.8a.

    I will be more happy if you try to add mcx data in Getbhavcopy or try to release a separate downloader for mcx data.

  21. Loganathan KB

    Further if you need any help in the way of testing, I am ready to do for adding mcx data in Getbhavcopy

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