Speclib: Add OK/Cancel buttons in Profile Style context menu

Issue #491 closed
Fabian Thiel created an issue

Maybe also add OK/Cancel buttons in Profile Style context menu similar to Style menu in the Spectral Profile Sources window

Comments (8)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    SpectralLibraryWidget and AttributeTableWidget: support basic feature filtering (closes #496) Spectral Libraries: - SpectralProfileRenderer: fixed XML input/output to QML files (addresses #516) - SpectralLibrary constructor can be used like QgsVectorLayer (addresses #515) - refactored context menus in SpectralLibraryPlotWidget (addresses #491) - refactored internal unit model - SpectralProfile: supports basic math operators (add/substract/mul/div), like "SpectralProfile() + 3" (addresses #498)

    Signed-off-by: Benjamin Jakimow benjamin.jakimow@geo.hu-berlin.de benjamin.jakimow@geo.hu-berlin.de

    → <<cset c3fc6d044469>>

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    In that case I’d prefer to keep showing changed immediately in the real plot, e.g. changes of background color etc.

    The reset button now allows to go back to the color setting that was applied when opening the context menu.

    Is that ok @Fabian Thiel ?

  3. Fabian Thiel reporter

    I think this is a good solution.

    For the button I would switch the current “refresh” icon with a backward arrow. Or simply write Reset

  4. Andreas Janz

    For the button I would switch the current “refresh” icon with a backward arrow. Or simply write Reset

    Benjamin, I think this is an easy one, so I schedule it for v3.9

  5. Benjamin Jakimow

    @Fabian Thiel which icon specifically do you have in mind? (optimally one of the icons shown in Tools > Developers > Resource Browser)

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