
Issue #498 resolved
Benjamin Jakimow created an issue

Add SpectralMath functionality to SpectralLibrary Viewer

  • modify SpectralProfiles “on the fly”
  • export modified SpectralProfiles into new SpectralLibrary
  • add pre-defined SpecMath functions
  • allow code-defined SpecMath functions (similar to FieldCalculator)
  • related to this: Field Calculator decorator functions to access SpectralProfiles

Comments (8)

  1. Andreas Janz

    allow code-defined SpecMath functions (similar to FieldCalculator)

    Or maybe better similar to imageMath!?

  2. Benjamin Jakimow reporter

    SpectralLibraryWidget and AttributeTableWidget: support basic feature filtering (closes #496) Spectral Libraries: - SpectralProfileRenderer: fixed XML input/output to QML files (addresses #516) - SpectralLibrary constructor can be used like QgsVectorLayer (addresses #515) - refactored context menus in SpectralLibraryPlotWidget (addresses #491) - refactored internal unit model - SpectralProfile: supports basic math operators (add/substract/mul/div), like "SpectralProfile() + 3" (addresses #498)

    Signed-off-by: Benjamin Jakimow benjamin.jakimow@geo.hu-berlin.de benjamin.jakimow@geo.hu-berlin.de

    → <<cset c3fc6d044469>>

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