SpectralProcessing usecases

Issue #854 closed
Andreas Janz created an issue

As discussed with BJ, SL, AJ and FT, we want to implement 3 different usecases for spectral processing:

  1. The aggregation of spectral profiles, stratified by a categorical field.
  2. Spectral normalization by white reference, a) by one reference per spectra, and b) by one reference for all spectra.
  3. Spectral resampling.

Comments (8)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    @Benjamin Jakimow now that we have ConvexHull and ContinuumRemoval, you may want to use it for your usecases: #926

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    What about the aggregation usecase? Do we need a dicussion about that in the team or do you have a first implementation already? For me it is not clear how that will work in the GUI.

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