implement a MapLayerConfigWidget for editing raster band spectral and temporal properties

Issue #913 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

The proposed map layer config widget is quite similar to the existing GDAL Metadata widget…:

… but is tailored to band-wise properties described in RFC 2: Spectral Properties and RFC 3: Temporal Properties

All properties are editable by the user and changes are stored at the layer as custom properties without altering the layer source files.

The new widget will allow to interactively manage band-wise wavelength, aquisition dates and bad band status to prepare the layer for further visualization and processing.

Comments (10)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    @Benjamin Jakimow I will put the py files right next to the existing widgets under: \enmapbox\externals\qps\layerconfigwidgets

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    Finally, we could also delete the Band Properties section from the GDAL Metadata widget.

  3. Andreas Janz reporter

    Dear @Agustin Lobo , as always, comments and suggestions for improvements are very welcome 🙂

  4. Agustin Lobo

    Using 3.10.20220201T092242.develop, the Layer Properties table is empty, even if the GDAL one is not.

    I think the user normally has this info in the hdr, a csv or even another image. It would be helpful being able to import.

  5. Andreas Janz reporter

    Using 3.10.20220201T092242.develop, the Layer Properties table is empty, even if the GDAL one is not.

    Please send the raster for testing.

    I think the user normally has this info in the hdr, a csv or even another image. It would be helpful being able to import.

    Agree. We would need some usecases (with testdata) to improve the import functionality.

    For ENVI files we’re already planning to have this: #947

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