
Clone wiki

Matlab stuff / Settings

The settings of the optimisation problem are defined in the settings data structure:

       OF_spec: See details below
 approx_number: See details below
    time_limit: int [1, Inf), Maximum time given to optimiser to find schedule
         price: [1x48 double]
            DR: [1x1 struct]
    solver_gap: int [0,1] , Maximum relative optimality gap, if reached it terminates before time limit
        solver: {'cplex'},'Gurobi'
          mods: [1x1 struct]
          plot: {'Off'},'On' Turns various debugging plots on or off 
    Time_shift: Int [0,N-1], if the optimisation is expected to shift the times of the provided cost and demand vectors. (Not start at midnight but at midnight + Time_shift*time step length) 
           GHG: [1x24 double]
limit_overfill: 0.1000
     asymmetry: 'on'
           sos: 'Off'
  mod_schedule: [1x1 struct]
     pmax_pump: 3
     pmax_pipe: 3

The settings.DR structure may contain the following settings:

       status: 'Off'
         flex: 'Window1'
desired_ratio: NaN
  rest_period: 240
       reward: 30000
demand_factor: 0.6000

The settings.OF_spec and approx_number work together:

Fixed speed pumps:


  • 'F1' simple sum using name plate power and switching constraints
  • 'F2' linear contribution of flow rate
  • 'F3' Sum only no switch constraints
  • 'F4' Linear only no switch constraints
  • 'F5' Quadratic dependency on flow rate and power and switching constraints

can be used together with pipe and pump approximations:

  • 1 quadratic for both pipe and pumps
  • 2 quadratic for pumps piecewise for pipes 7 pieces
  • 3 quadratic for pumps piecewise for pipes 5 pieces

  • 4 convex for pumps (7 pieces) piecewise linear for pipes (7 pieces)

  • 5 convex for pumps (7 pieces) piecewise linear for pipes (3 pieces)
  • 6 convex for pumps (7 pieces) piecewise linear for pipes (7 pieces)
  • 7 convex for pumps (3 pieces) piecewise linear for pipes (3 pieces)

  • 8 convex for pumps (2 pieces) piecewise linear for pipes (2 pieces) (depreciated)

  • Testing only

  • 10 convex pump, quadratic pipes
  • 11 convex pump, non-linear pipe

Variable speed pumps:


  • 'V1' Linear with q, tau
  • 'V2' Linear with q, tau, tau^2
  • 'V3' Linear with q, q^2, tau
  • 'V4' Linear with q, q^2, tau, tau^2

Works with approximations:

  • 14 convex for pumps (7 pieces) piecewise linear for pipes (7 pieces)
  • 15 convex for pumps (7 pieces) piecewise linear for pipes (3 pieces)
  • 16 convex for pumps (7 pieces) piecewise linear for pipes (7 pieces)
  • 17 convex for pumps (3 pieces) piecewise linear for pipes (3 pieces)
  • 18 convex for pumps (5 pieces) piecewise linear for pipes (5 pieces)
