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Welcome to the Matlab repo of my WDS pump optimisation code. This repo should provide you with MATLAB code to generate optimal schedules for any WDS. There are of course a few caviats:

  1. You must have the network definition as .inp file
  2. It mustn't be too large a network or with many loops
  3. You need a powerful MIP solver such as CPLEX, Gurobi or SCIP. These are all available for academics.
  4. You may also need the OPTI interface (if using SCIP)

But a side from that it should work. :)

The following pages are defined:

How to call the optimisation procedure in experiment.

Some templates for those that want to get going quickly: Templates

Settings, a description of the settings of the optimisation procedure.

File types used: Data describing the data structure

Pipes describing the data structure


Benchmarking site

File structure

Please not that this code only needs minimal tweaking and configuration as this helpful comic explains: Helpful advice
