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Matlab stuff / pipes

Pipes contain the information:

           Id: string, Name of pipe, from .inp file
  startNodeId: string, Name of start node, from .inp file
    endNodeId: string, Name of end node, from .inp file
       Length: int, Length of pipe (m)
     Diameter: int, Diameter (mm)
    Roughness: int, Roughness (mm) for DW or absolute for HW
    MinorLoss: int, Not implemented, from .inp file
       Status: string, state of pipe, from .inp file, either 'Open', 'Closed' or 'CV'
Approximation: string, either 'HW' or 'DW', HW if roughness > 20
            K: int, value for GGA A11 K*q^Nexp
         Nexp: int, value for GGA A11 K*q^Nexp
    change_gz: int, change in elevation accross pipe
         vmax: int, maximum permissible flow velocity
        q_lim: int, maximum permissible flow rate, defined from velocity
       M_pipe: int, value of big-M for this pipe (Not implemented currently)
