
Clone wiki

Matlab stuff / How to call the experiment

Problem definition in the prob. data structure that is passed to experiment() as: out = experiment(prob).

            N: int, {1,3,6,12,24,48} number of time steps for 24h period
approx_number: int, {1,2,3, (quadratic), 5,6,7,(piecewise linear) 16 (VSD)} type of component approximation
     vmax_min: float, [5
            M: float, large number eg. 999
     settings: struct, described in

settings .

Desired_ratio: float or NaN, Desired ratio of power consumed by demand and pump power, now depreciated 
    asymmetry: {'on'},'off' switch to remove symmetry of the network, needs to be defined in file
          def: str, name of .inp file of the network investigated
