Nested filters

Issue #311 resolved
Former user created an issue

Replace the drop-down filter menu in the left bar with several layers of nested filters (think iTunes) and allow users to switch the source of each filter on the fly. That would eliminate the current restriction of one level of filtering + visual-only grouping + basic search. With nested filters, you could choose Console Games / Nintendo / Nintendo Entertainment System / Prototypes, or you could go in a completely different direction and choose PC Games / DOS / Sierra / Graphic Adventure to get where you want to be.

Comments (20)

  1. Tommy Tutone

    Would very much like this.

    Multi-level menus are sorely missing from HS and my OCD would love to see them in LB.

  2. William Jones

    To further this point, it would be cool to be able to arrange platforms and/or games chronologically by release date. Ideally, when viewing my library I'd like to be able to create my own filters into four gaming categories: Arcade, Consoles, Home Computers, and Portable. Within the consoles filter, it'd be nice to be able to list Atari 2600, NES, Genesis, SNES, Playstation, N64, PS2, Gamecube, and Wii in that order. Same goes for all of the other gaming categories.

    Moreover, if you look at the "Series" filter, it would also be nice to categorize these games by release date instead of alphabetically.

  3. Brad Cheyne

    You can sort by different things if the games have the proper metadata. Tools -> Arrange By (at the bottom).

  4. William Jones

    Sorry Brad. I'm not seeing the "Arrange By" setting under tools in Launchbox. I see (from bottom to top) Options, Refresh All Images, Clean All Images, Export Games, Import Games etc. I'm also not seeing it on the View Tab or any other tab.

    I've found an option to change the games list view from ""Platform" to "Release Date", but it only categorizes all of my games by year released. I want it to list all platforms by release year in chronological order.

    This may be a new nested filter option to look at in the future.

  5. William Jones

    Another idea is to give us an option in Big Box to have these nested filters, or any preferred way of filtering our games, to be able to be set as default when we start Big Box.

    For example, some people may want to keep the default filter, platform, while others may want the default filter to be genre, etc. Also giving the proposed nested filters and our own custom filters as a default view option in Big Box would be sweet

  6. Cristian Sebastian Scartascini

    It would be cool to have filters for: Max players Control scheme (M+K, gamepad, trackball, etc) Custom Tags (Steam-like, as submitted by users)

  7. CriticalCid

    The RomCollectionBrowser for Kodi uses this as its main navigation method. If Jason wants some inspiration how to integrate something like that into BigBox as well it would be maybe a good idea to see how RCB does it. Here’s a video of it:

    Some flaws I have with RCB and how BigBox could improve that:

    • There are way too few filters available in RCB. It would be great if BigBox could use all the available game info fields + custom fields. Or at least “Developer” and “Play mode” should be added.

    • You can only use one value for each filter in RCB. It would be way better it would be possible to use multiple values for all the filters.

    • It would be awesome if we could determine what filter should be used to sort the games. So that it would be possible to let the games sort by release date or publisher.

  8. DJQuad

    Will this also provide the ability to make custom wheels? For example, a Donkey Kong wheel that contains all Donkey Kong games regardless of the platform.


    i hope when added. it will be added to big box at the same time as LB. sounds like it would effectively take care of the missing region sorting in bigbox ?

  10. fraganator

    I see #695 is marked as a duplicate of this issue. I was going to raise a new (albeit similar) issue about using Boolean / SQL type operators for filters (AND, OR, NOT, >, <, LIKE, =, etc). Combined with tag placeholders (#2091) for both normal and custom fields, this could make for some powerful queries.

    Perhaps the custom filter dialog could have a simple mode similar to the current dialog, and an advanced mode with access to the raw query string and additional operators.

    Edit: I see issue #188 already exists and covers what I've mentioned.

  11. kpop1

    Mala was great at this. Was able to easily cycle through genres, ball paddle, shooter ect just by holding a button and tapping left or right on the main screen

  12. Anders Hammar

    Not resolved, there's still no way to quickly and easily use multiple filters at the same time in the standard mode. Launchbox is more than just Big Box.

  13. Anders Hammar

    Yes, that's an option, but it's not what I'd call a quick and easy option. If all I want for example is to see all the NES games released in 1988 I have to go the playlist section, click add, name it, choose the fields active, choose comparison method, type out every value I want to use manually and then save the playlist. Which yes, it's all things you can do and none of them difficult in any way, but it's not exactly swift. And then 30 seconds later when my curiosity is satiated I have a largely useless playlist sitting there staring me in the face. So while it certainly has it's upside in terms details, it's hardly quick. Playlists seems more suited for lists you wanna keep around permanently, and not so much for temporary filtering.

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