Sorry to return on this again.

Issue #7472 new
Fugus created an issue

Continuation of

For the information:

Rom File Name : Trials of Mana (World) (Rev 1) (Collection of Mana).7z
(I know it has a World tag but I changed it in the settings)

Launchbox DB ID: #5827

Launchbox Game Region: “North America”
( I changed this manually to make 100% sure it was set to that.)

Images not downloading:
Clear Logo (North America)
Screenshot-Title (North America)
Fan Art Box Back (North America)

Images properly downloading
Fan Art Box Front (North America)
Fan Art Background

Didn’t try to download any other image types.

Region Priority:
#1: North America
#2: United States
None other selected.

And while the ID shows up as 5827, the link it brings up is here with a different number in it.

And I full wiped my entire PC with a fresh install of Launchbox.

Comments (3)

  1. brian

    Are you able to take a screenshot of your game’s Metadata page and post it here?

    Sounds like you know that if you downloaded media during the game’s import process it would be looking for World images and process accordingly.

    If you manually changed the Region of the game to North America and then ran either the Download Metadata and Media wizard, or the single game media download, you should be able to download the Clear Logo and Fan Art Box Back without issue.

    Here’s a video of me doing this for Clear Logo, so you can compare with what you are doing:

    Also note that there is no North America Screenshot Title image on the GamesDB for this game. I know there looks to be a title screenshot, but it’s marked as a gameplay screenshot, so it would fall under that image type until someone corrects that in the DB.

  2. Christian

    I see you mentioned you changed metadata. Can you give me the steps you took regarding importing, changing the metadata, and when in the process you downloaded the images (or tried to)?

  3. Fugus reporter

    I imported the game alone with the entire system using the folder import option.
    I let the entire process run and first uploaded images that way but it wouldn’t get them as before.
    Then I cleared the images out and then tried to just download every image manually and checked them and it wasn’t there.
    Then I cleared them out and then manually set the region to North America and imported them all again and still wouldn’t get them.

    And now I am properly annoyed but I think I might have figured it out. I just cleared all my images and redownloaded them again and they all came up correct this time…..

    The only possibility I can think of is maybe you have to change the region then hit “Ok” to close out the editor and then reload the metadata before trying to download them? Not sure if I did it before but I know it’s working now. I changed my region just like you did in the video but not 100% sure if I hit Ok and then reopened it versus just changing the region and then going to download.

    This did give an idea for one quick suggestion with how you said it works, an option in the region preferences to override the detected region and always download based on the front ends region priority.

    Thank you for your time sir.

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