Geometry Object ignores cut depth set in Isolation Routing dialog

Issue #376 resolved
Ennis Massey created an issue

The Cut-Z for V-bits in the geometry object seems to be determined by the diameter and angle, and also disregards what the cut depth was set at in the Isolation Routing dialog. This can lead to some combinations of angles + diameters giving ridiculous cut depths (0.1 diameter + 10 deg = -1.2316mm cut depth). I assume this is because isolation routing tries to only do 1 cut around the traces, and compensates, but I think it’d make more sense to honor the cut-depth given by the user, and add a cut to get to the desired clearance around the traces.

Comments (8)

  1. Ennis Massey reporter

    Found issue #269 which confirms this is intended. However, I think that rather than having to buy tooling to fit with the program output, it should be possible to make the program work with what tooling I have available. I don’t imagine the programming for it should be too complex, given that part of it already exists in the multiple passes object, except rather than multiple passes of the isolation width, do multiple passes of the tool width until the isolation width is reached.

  2. Marius Stanciu

    If you switch the app to Advanced Level in Edit → Preferences → General → App. Preferences → App. Level radio then in the Gerber UI you can set an option to use a V-Shape tool which will create a adequate isolation and the V-shape tool is transferred to the geometry.

  3. Ennis Massey reporter

    I’ve tried that, and the geometry object generated by that ignores the set cut depth and calculates it’s own. See the below images. First is the Gerber object dialog, with the cut depth set to -0.0380, the second is the generated geometry object, with a cut depth of -0.4113

  4. Ennis Massey reporter

    Okay, it seems the problem was actually that the Geometry object dialogue was overriding the given values. I input a diameter of 0.3, and the geometry object set the diameter to 0.1, which gave a cut depth of -0.4113. Putting the diameter back to 0.3 fixed it.

  5. Marius Stanciu

    Normally the V-Shape parameters used in Gerber UI should transfer to the Geometry object. But I realized that this is not happening if the Combine option is not checked in the Gerber UI. Even if you are not using multiple passes, check this checkbox and report if this is solving your issue.

  6. Marius Stanciu
    • fixed issue #376 where the V-Shape parameters from Gerber UI are not transfered to the resulting Geometry object if the 'combine' checkbox is not checked in the Gerber UI

    → <<cset bfd71a81b8a7>>

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