Save/Open project issues

Issue #394 resolved
Leandro Heck created an issue

Using v8.991

Save file is suggesting to save a project without extension. Like theProject_20200409_124603

So, when trying to open a project, the file browser do not find anything. I have to choose to display All files instead of Flatcam Project then I will be able to select a file.

If you are using Flatcam Projectyou should use something filter it with. Like the extension. So, when saving the project, you should add the extension automatically. If you don't have any, I would like to suggest .for or .flc. However, what I prefer is to remove the file filter for default, because de user knows what he wants to open.

Comments (13)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Save file is suggesting to save a project without extension. Like theProject_20200409_124603

    Not true.

  2. Leandro Heck reporter

    It is true for me.

    I have no `Save as type` thing here.

    If you are saving a project, why do you need such a selector? Just append the .Flatprj in the end tho. It will work everywhere, in all OS.

  3. Marius Stanciu

    You did not specify Linux and that’s the reason I showed you the printscreen from Windows.
    I know that you are using Linux but somebody else who may want to help solve the issue may not. It’s important that every issue is documented properly, the issues will remain in history and someone reading them may not understand what is going on.

    I don’t know why the Linux file manager that you use does not fill in the extension neither why in the filter selector the extensions are not displayed.
    The QFileDialog widget uses the native window (whatever the OS has to offer) and it seems that the Linux one lacks.

    Regarding adding the extension, it seems to me like more of a hack and it will create issues in Windows (which is what I develop for) which will need creating different code based on the OS that is run into, that’s why we need to find out the why so we don’t have issues further along the line …

  4. Marius Stanciu

    Solved but in the save field, in Linux, the user will still don’t see the extension yet, when the user saves the right extension will be added. In case that there are multiple file extensions that can be selected to save from (like *.nc = gcode or *.plt = HPGL code) if user selects one extension it will be used when saved but there will no feedback in the dialog. That’s the behavior in Linux file manager and it does not have anything to do with FlatCAM.

  5. Leandro Heck reporter

    Also, just an FYI, I renamed my project file to

    Project_20200409_124603.Flatprj using the extension you said. But in the Project, open dialog can’t see the file. The filter for project files is not working there.

  6. Leandro Heck reporter

    Hehe, that was unexpected! Thank you, for you too dude.

    Ok (I tough you were windows user, haha) I’m kidding, my mistake, I will test it.

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