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#Welcome to the PSBox wiki.

##What is PSBox? PSBox is a Powershell module that leverages the Box REST API allowing Box Enterprise customers to manage their users and groups through Powershell. PSBox is ideal for those that are already familiar with using Powershell to manage Active Directory and that do not want to develop their own REST API integration. PSBox does require a developer account and an app created within your Box Enterprise implementation. For information on how to get started with a Box developer account, visit

##Why Powershell? Many enterprises already have an Active Directory infrastructure in place. In a Windows environment, this infrastructure is often leveraged in order to provide cifs file services - relying on groups within Active Directory. Over the past several years Microsoft has made a transition to using Powershell to manage large Active Directory environments - and Powershell does a pretty good job in doing so! PSBox bridges the gap between Active Directory and Box using Powershell using the Box REST API.

##Cmdlets Implemented View a list of cmdlets that are available in PSBox.

##Example File The example file provides some walkthroughs of using the Box Powershell module. Before using any of the cmdlets in the Examples.ps1 file the module must first be imported (Import-Module <path to Box.psm1>).

##Common Questions View some common questions about PSBox
