Example broken

Issue #41 resolved
john.wang.wjq created an issue

NodeIcon alread removed according to your changlog of v0.9.0, which break the example for the latest treeview.

Comments (3)

  1. john.wang.wjq reporter

    For the example to run(withv1.0.3+2), simply replace all NodeIcon with IconData (eg., Icons.arrow) in the main.dart .

    Simple enough, still will be better to fix it to ease newcomer to get a “kick-and-run” feel though.

  2. Kevin Armstrong

    Fixes issue #49. Added ability to add specific color to node icon using iconColor and selectedIconColor property. This replaces the previous ability to do this using the removed NodeIcon class.

    Fixes issue #40, #41. Updated example and documentation.

    → <<cset 3bd16e33b3dc>>

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