Unable to set color of Node icon to a variable

Issue #49 resolved
Thor Fjelldalen created an issue

Hi! Wonderful package, but after updating I can’t seem to get the colors on node icons to be dynamic, as was possible before.

I understand that now it is based on the color scheme, but this excludes the possibility of having a separate color per every node. Previously I had one kind of icon with a separate color depending on what kind of node it was. (For example a pdf-file, a word-file, or excel document, or a folder if it was a parent). This is possible with the icon itself, but not its color.

Is it possible to fetch the color from the flutter source `Icon()`, which contains a color argument?
For example:

  key: UniqueKey().toString(),
  label: this.title!,
  data: this,
  icon: Icon(iconData, color: iconColor),

Or any other way that would not break existing code? Or is this already supported in some other way?

Comments (3)

  1. Kevin Armstrong

    Fixes issue #49. Added ability to add specific color to node icon using iconColor and selectedIconColor property. This replaces the previous ability to do this using the removed NodeIcon class.

    Fixes issue #40, #41. Updated example and documentation.

    → <<cset 3bd16e33b3dc>>

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