XSB Support for prednames with underscores

Issue #359 resolved
Joachim Jansen created an issue

currently, underscores are being left out in the transformation to XSB, which leads to some problems:

:- table idpxsb_job_len_f/2.

idpxsb_joblenf(IDPXSB_j, IDPXSB_l) :- idpxsb_joblen(IDPXSB_j, IDPXSB_l), idpxsb_job(IDPXSB_j), idpxsb_length(IDPXSB_l).

The tabling statement is not consistent. And other predicates that depend on this predicate (calculated using XSB) will cause problems because the proper name of the predicate is not present. (In the definition bodies the _ are present, but in the calculated predicates they are not)

Comments (4)

  1. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added a unique identifier to all term names.

    This fixes bug #370, all predicate names of different predicates are distinct now.

    This fixes issue #359: underscores (and other special characters) are filtered out, but the identifier ensures distinction between otherwise overlapping predicate names.

    → <<cset 848bb06c762d>>

  2. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added a unique identifier to all term names.

    This fixes bug #370, all predicate names of different predicates are distinct now.

    This fixes issue #359: underscores (and other special characters) are filtered out, but the identifier ensures distinction between otherwise overlapping predicate names.

    → <<cset b6023fe6c658>>

  3. Broes De Cat

    Added a unique identifier to all term names.

    This fixes bug #370, all predicate names of different predicates are distinct now.

    This fixes issue #359: underscores (and other special characters) are filtered out, but the identifier ensures distinction between otherwise overlapping predicate names.

    → <<cset 4f990ab4ca2e>>

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