XSB Range predicates are ambiguous

Issue #370 resolved
Joachim Jansen created an issue

s3250(X) :- var(X), between(-32,50,X).

s3250(X) :- nonvar(X), X >= -32, X =< 50. ###

The above predicate name s3250 is generated for the following ranges:

-3 -> 250

-32 -> 50

-325 -> 0

3 -> 250


The naming should be changed and made more distinctive

Comments (3)

  1. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added a unique identifier to all term names.

    This fixes bug #370, all predicate names of different predicates are distinct now.

    This fixes issue #359: underscores (and other special characters) are filtered out, but the identifier ensures distinction between otherwise overlapping predicate names.

    → <<cset 848bb06c762d>>

  2. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added a unique identifier to all term names.

    This fixes bug #370, all predicate names of different predicates are distinct now.

    This fixes issue #359: underscores (and other special characters) are filtered out, but the identifier ensures distinction between otherwise overlapping predicate names.

    → <<cset b6023fe6c658>>

  3. Broes De Cat

    Added a unique identifier to all term names.

    This fixes bug #370, all predicate names of different predicates are distinct now.

    This fixes issue #359: underscores (and other special characters) are filtered out, but the identifier ensures distinction between otherwise overlapping predicate names.

    → <<cset 4f990ab4ca2e>>

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