Issues with constructed types unless constructors are ordered alphabetically.

Issue #962 resolved
Matthias van der Hallen created an issue

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Comments (8)

  1. Matthias van der Hallen reporter

    Sorry, I was still minimizing it, having previously done so with my thesis student but without saving it. I had problems reconstructing it, because I forgot about the inductive definition. It seems to be crucial to the buggy behavior. Some other things seem to be crucial as well, so the title might be incorrect.

    So, the example: While the following theory would require every Installatie to be mapped to 1 by HeeftVermogen, Vaatwasmachine(1) is mapped to 0.

    vocabulary V{
        type num isa nat
        type ID isa int
        type Installatie constructed from {Stopcontact(ID), Wasmachine(ID), Vaatwasmachine(ID)}
        partial HeeftVermogen(Installatie):num
    //    res:num
    theory T: V{
        {occurs(p)<- ?x[Installatie]: HeeftVermogen(x)=p.}
        !i : HeeftVermogen(i)=1.
    //    HeeftVermogen(Vaatwasmachine(1))=res.
    structure S:V{
        num = {0..1} 
        ID = {1}
    procedure main(){
        stdoptions.nbmodels = 1

    Test it at:

    The bug disappears when you either:

    • Remove the inductive definition of occurs, or
    • set stdoptions.nbmodels to 0, 2, … or
    • order the constructors of Installatie alphabetically.

    Adding the commented constraint and the res function constant surprisingly says res is 1!

  2. Matthias van der Hallen reporter

    Just adding the sentence !x : occurs(x)=>true. makes the bug disappear.
    So, adding a constraint over occurs seems to ‘solve' the issue, so it’s probably bootstrapping related?

  3. Bart Bogaerts

    Looks like it might be… But… I don’t really have a clue why things would go wrong here.

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