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sdaas / installation


Starting from version 2.1.0 the deployment of the SDaaS platform is based on Docker. The SDaaS Enterprise Edition can also be installed on a standalone host (virtual or physical). If you do not already have Docker on your computer, it's the right time to install it.

Installing Community Edition

Simply launch this command:

docker run --name ce -d -p 8080:8080 linkeddatacenter/sdaas-ce

This installs the latest version of SDaaS community edition. If you need a specific version, add its id prefixed by ":" , for example to run version 2.1.0 use linkeddatacenter/sdaas-ce:2.1.0

The Community Edition uses an internal RDF store based on Blazegraph engine that you can access pointing your browser to http://localhost:8080/sdaas you can change the port exposed by docker. For example to use port 80 for the store, type:

docker run --name ce -d -p 80:8080 linkeddatacenter/sdaas-ce

That's all. SDaaS is a container that provides a command line interface (CLI) that extends the well-known bash Unix shell. To enter the CLI type:

docker exec -ti ce sdaas

Type exit to exit the CLI.

Installing Enterprise Edition

Enterprise Edition requires a more complex process because you have the opportunity to create your personalized instance of SDaaS. With your license you will receive a file that creates your personalized container, you need to build it with the command:

docker build -t mydmp <here the path to the received file>

Now you can store the create docker image in your private registry or keep it local. Do not save your image in a public registry, because it contains information about your license and because this breaks the license agreement.

Enterprise Edition can use any RDF store or service compatible with SPARQL 1.1 specifications, e.g. LinkedData.Center SGaaS, Blazegraph, Stardog, AWS Neptune, virtuoso, etc. etc

The best security practices suggest to run SDaaS platform and the RDF store in a dedicated VPN, but this is not mandatory, you are free to adopt your preferred network topology.

For example, let's launch a Blazegraph store using a public docker image in a vpn named myvpn

docker network create  myvpn
docker run -d -name store -n myvpn -p 9999:8080 lyrasis/blazegraph:2.1.5

now you can get SDaaS Enterprise Edition prompt with:

docker run -d --name ee -n myvpn  -e SD_BG_ENDPOINT="http://store:8080/bigdata" mydmp 
docker exec -ti ee sdaas

when you type exit you can safely destroy the ee container but the created data will persist in the external store.

For instance, run the embedded example with the command:

docker exec -ti ee sdaas -f build.sdaas --reboot

This will create a small knowledge base in the external store that you should able to query with SPARQL just pointing your browser to http://localhost:9999/bigdata/#query

If the local reasoning features are not needed, you can run interactively the platform saving memory and time by using:

docker run --rm -ti --name ee -n myvpn -e SD_BG_ENDPOINT="http://store:8080/bigdata" --entrypoint sdaas mydmp --no-warmup

You can personalize your SDaaS instance editing the provided Dokerfile.

Legacy installation instructions here
