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Dependencies, Compilation, Install

Supported architectures

  • i386
  • x86_64

Supported compilers

  • gcc (GCC) 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15)
  • Apple LLVM version 9.1.0 (clang-902.0.39.1)
  • clang version 5.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_501/final)
  • icpc (ICC) 18.0.2 20180210

More infos here

You can try to compile the project with other compilers or compilers' versions, however you are completely on your own.

Supported linkers

  • ld64-351.8 provieded with Apple LLVM version 9.1.0 (clang-902.0.39.1)

You can try to compile the project with other dynamic linkers or dynamic linkers' versions, however you are completely on your own.

Libraries (dependencies)

miniJATI depends on the following libraries

  • Bio++/bpp-core 2.4.0
  • Bio++/bpp-seq 2.4.0
  • Bio++/bpp-phyl 2.4.0
  • glog - Google Logging Library
  • boost - C++ Libraries
  • TSHLib - Tree Search Heuristics Library 2.0.0
  • Intel TBB - 2018 10005 (open source)

How to compile

How to update

Update castor following this how-to
