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OpenMAT / LPMS Firmware

The LPMS firmware has been created using the IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM. Although IAR is not free, there is an evaluation version of the software on the IAR website.

Binary files can be either written directly to LPMS devices through the firmware update tool integrated in the LpmsControl application or using the ST Microelectronics ST-Link debugger.

LpmsFirmware/LpmsSource/LpmsFactorySettings.h contains several definitions that can be changed to configure the LPMS firmware. Especially important are the macros USE_CANBUS_INTERFACE and USE_BLUETOOTH_INTERFACE.

  • Defining USE_CANBUS_INTERFACE will configure the firmware for LPMS-CU.
  • Defining USE_BLUETOOTH_INTERFACE will configure the firmware for LPMS-B.
