Clone wikiLucee / Lucee_5_Functions_Tags
Core Functions
Functions to do use core functionality of the system.
###ObjectNew (new)###
objectNew(string componentName[, any arguments]):component
This function is a replacement for createObject("component",...)
and you can use this function in the same way, however unlike createObject("component",...)
this functions invokes the init
method of the component, if there is one, and allows you to pass arguments to the init
#!javascript // create a component from type `FullName` and invokes the constructor with 2 arguments in the form of an array c=objectNew("my.FullName", ["Susi","Sorglos"]); // create a component from type `FullName` and invokes the constructor with named arguments c=objectNew("my.FullName",{firstame:"Susi",lastname:"Sorglos"});
Maybe you ask yourself "why this function?" when I can do the same with the new
operator as follows:
#!javascript c=new my.FullName("Susi","Sorglos");
#!javascript c=objectNew(config.componentName, config.arguments);
###Render (new) ###
render(string code [,string dialect]):string
Similar to the function evaluate
, this function allows to execute CFML/Lucee code that you provide as a string.
#!javascript render('<cfmail subject="Hi There!" from="#from#" to="#to#">Salve!</cfmail> ');
###getTagData/getFunctionData (extended) ###
These 2 functions are now supporting a new argument named dialect
Possible values are CFML
or Lucee
With this argument you can define the dialect you want details for, if not defined the dialect of the current template is used.
Locale/Regional Functions
Functions specific for dealing with locale
and timezone
. Lucee 5 now handles locale
(java.util.Locale) and timezone
(java.util.TimeZone) objects natively.
So the function getLocale()
now returns a locale object and getTimeZone()
now returns a timezone object. Of course Lucee can still handle string representations of these types as previously.
###GetLocaleInfo (new)###
getLocaleInfo([,locale locale [, locale displayLocale]]):struct
This function merges the locale
functions getLocaleCountry, getLocaleDisplayName, getLocaleInfo, getLocaleLanguage
to a single function and "deprecate" the existin locale functions.
#!javascript dump(getLocaleInfo(getLocale())); // shows information from a locale object dump(getLocaleInfo("de_ch")); // shows information to a locale string
OSGi Functions
Functions specific for dealing with OSGi.
###BundleInfo (new)###
bundleInfo(any object):struct
If the given object is loaded via an OSGi bundle, this function returns the information about the bundle.
#!javascript dump(bundleInfo(obj)); // dumps from what bundle the class of the given object comes from
###ManifestRead (new)###
manifestRead(string pathToJarOrManifestFile):struct
Reads a manifest file and returns the contents as a struct.
#!javascript dump(manifestread("C:\whatever\whatever.jar")); // dumps the manifest from whatever.jar as a struct
###JavaNew (new)###
javaNew(string className, string nameOrPath, string versionOrDelimiter):any
This function is a replacement for createObject("java",...)
and you can use this function in the same way, but in addition you can also load a class by defining a OSGi bundle and version. In that case Lucee will check if that class is available locally, if not it will try to download the necessary bundle from the update provider.
#!javascript // Load a class with the definition of the bundle name and version, in this case we are using a different version than the one Lucee has in the core. POIFSFileSystem=javaNew("org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem","apache.poi","3.11.0"); // The second and third argument are optional, if the version does not matter simply omit it. POIFSFileSystem=javaNew("org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem","apache.poi"); // Or if the class is available in the environment POIFSFileSystem=javaNew("org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem"); // You can also still load objects the classic way, but this is not recommended. POIFSFileSystem=javaNew("org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem","C:\whatever\apache-poi.jar");
Web Service Functions
Functions to handle web services.
###WebserviceNew (new)###
webserviceNew(string url [, struct arguments]):webserviceProxy
Creates a web service proxy object, a reference to a remote webservice. This function is a replacement for the createObject("webservice",...)
Cache Functions
With Lucee 5 we have added some cache functions related to "regions", but these functions only have only been added for compatibility to other CFML Engines. These functions are already marked as "deprecated" and we strongly suggest not to use them in new code.
The functions are:
- cacheregionexists()
- cacheregionnew()
- cacheregionremove()