changing text placement

Issue #36 resolved
Former user created an issue

i don't know if this is a common problem or not. but whenever i save what ever i have written and open it up later, it changes say dialogue to action or transition to action, or action to dialogue. and due to this it means that i have to spend time putting everything back into the right place before continuing to write. just to save it again and for the same thing to happen. the same thing also happens whenever i copy and paste the text into something. if i copy and paste what i have and put it into a email majority of the text will be moved to the wrong place and some parenthesis will have been removed. i do really enjoy ezScript though don't get me wrong, i just feel if you find a way to fix this problem it will help improve the app greatly

Comments (5)

  1. Ben Force

    Hello Anonymous,

    Thank you for the bug report. This is the first time this has been reported, but I have a few ideas of how to work around it. If you could send me a sample of one of your screenplays it would help me find the problem and verify my solution.

    Thanks, Ben

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