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Radiomics Enabler / Upgrade_Instructions

#Upgrade Instructions for Radiomics Enabler® #

##About Radiomics Enabler® ##

Radiomics Enabler® is a software that allows for interactive search and recuperation of medical images stored in Picture Archive and Communications Systems (PACS). It is deployed as a web server that manages the PACS queries and data retrievals.

Radiomics Enabler® is a registered trademark. General information, video and installation package can be found at

The software is made freely available to the imaging community under AGPLv3.

Copyright (c) 2017-2018 - Medexprim


Retrieve the tar.gz package under /opt/

As the radenab user :

Stop services:

sudo service apache2 stop
sudo service celeryd stop
sudo service storescp stop

Backup directories:

cd /opt/RadEnab
cp -R site site.bak
cp -R extras extras.bak
cp -R static static.bak

Keep track of any symbolic link you may have (like /opt/RadEnab/data to /data) as untaring the package may break some.

Untar the package:

cd /opt
tar xvzf RadiomicsEnabler_vX.X.X.tar.gz

Migrate the database and static files:

. /opt/Venv/RadEnabVenv/bin/activate
cd /opt/RadEnab/site
python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate
python3 collectstatic

Note: the 'migrate' step above is to be done only if there were some changes in the 'makemigrations' step.

Check symbolic link and reset them if required.

Start services

sudo service apache2 start
sudo service celeryd start
sudo service storescp start
