/mail send <player>

Issue #127 resolved
fmxstick created an issue

Trying to send mail responds with "That player does not exist, sorry!". The players do exist but the system is not recognising them as existing for some reason... Command : /mail send Anna_28 <message> Result: "That player does not exist, sorry!" Desired result: "mail successfully sent"

Comments (9)

  1. xArches

    It's still present, no mail can be sent or recieved. We also don't get mail from greport's either (saying they were fixed/not grief/etc)

  2. Alexandra Stehr

    Playername versus UUID, can't fix that right now from work, that takes longer than 5 minutes to solve. If you want to try it, the function starting at line 1062 in exec_privatemail.pl checks if a recipient is existent and hands back a sanitized name, that one needs to check differently now.

  3. Riot

    UUIDs should no longer be an issue in this script - I did change it to look up using a different file. However, someone (bastet probably) needs to have a look at it to see where it's going wrong.

  4. Anna Bakker

    This issue (with "That player does not exist, sorry!" showing for players that exist) looks like it was resolved. #267 is still an issue though.

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