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Trodes / Python

Wiki Home > User Manual > Exporting Data > Importing to Python

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    #Importing data to Python The Python script to import data is currently limited to a single script and requires the module numpy to be installed.

    It reads in a single binary data file and return a python dict, which contains a numpy array stored in the 'data' field.

    It will read in .dat files created by the export functions, and create a numpy array. For example, if the fields section states

    Fields: <time uint32><LineSegment uint16><RelativeLinearPos double>

    Then the script will return a numpy array like so:

    [(160157682, 0,  0.23706176), (160159750, 0,  0.26997685),
    (160161938, 0,  0.34283835), (160165086, 0,  0.42896333),
    (160168038, 0,  0.492976  ), (160170927, 0,  0.55913753)]

    Some camera module outputs like position data will create a binary file, which can also be parsed with this function.
