Weird index window behavior

Issue #116 closed
Mikhail Lopatkin repo owner created an issue

Version 0.19-SNAPSHOT, Linux, two display setup

  1. Create index window filter It creates 1-pixel width window. But it can be widened.

  2. Disable it

  3. Close the tool
  4. Re-open the tool

1-pixel width window appears on the other display. It is empty though if widened.

Comments (5)

  1. Mikhail Lopatkin reporter

    Fix #116: postpone showing index filter window

    During startup the index window was created before main frame was ready. The size of the index window is derived from the size of the main so the resulting size of the former was incorrect (width==0). The main window is layed out in the same event that creates an index filter controller so the simple invokeLater does the trick.

    Creation of the MainFrame is also done on EDT now. Without this an invokeLater trick won't work. It is a right thing to do anyway.

    It is quite hard to write a meaningful test here but assert should help.

    → <<cset df7db3fe7eb3>>

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