No logs

Issue #129 closed
Yura Shinkarev created an issue

Xubuntu 16.04 amd64 uname (Linux 4.4.0-112-generic)

Java 1.8.0_152

adb 1.0.39

Run application. Application detect huawei p10, but logs are empty.

Log file contains line:

[Device List Monitor] WARN - This kind of log isn't supported by adb source: UNKNOWN

$ adb devices

List of devices attached

PMF4C17909015663 device *

If I run in console adb logcat, all works.

Comments (17)

  1. Mikhail Lopatkin repo owner

    Thank you for your report. Could you please try the following:

    1. If it works with 0.19-SNAPSHOT version then I recommend you to switch to this version: there were several fixes to support recent android versions that aren't included in any shipped release (my bad). The latest version is available at
    2. If 0.19-SNAPSHOT doesn't work either - could you please send me a snippet of the adb logcat -v threadtime output of this device? A few first lines are okay.


  2. Yura Shinkarev reporter

    I'm use last 0.19 version. adb logcat -v threadtime > /tmp/1.log:

    nt logctl_get(): open '/dev/hwlog_switch' fail -1, 13. Permission denied
    Note: log switch off, only log_main and log_events will have logs!
    --------- beginning of main
    02-06 11:22:50.508  1301  1507 I QosMonitor: postEventFromNative: msg=100,arg1=4,arg2=9
    02-06 11:22:50.508  1301  1507 W WifiProJNI: poll before: g_monitor_fd =248
    02-06 11:22:50.508  1301  1301 I WifiProJNI: ######### CMD_QUERY_PKTS ########
    02-06 11:22:50.509  1301  1507 I QosMonitor: postEventFromNative: msg=100,arg1=0,arg2=9
  3. Mikhail Lopatkin repo owner

    Fix #129: Skip unrecognizable lines at the beginning of the file

    This commit rewrites automatic detection of log file format. Instead of relying entirely on the content of the first empty line, the parser now skips anything that cannot be recognized until something familiar is encountered. For now familiar things include: - Dumpstate's header (Several '=' in a row) - parseable log line (brief, time or threadtime format)

    → <<cset fd185dddaa79>>

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