Application names aren't available on Android O

Issue #133 closed
Mikhail Lopatkin repo owner created an issue

Environment: Android 8.1.0 @ Pixel 2

There are no app names in the log, only No info available.

Comments (5)

  1. Mikhail Lopatkin reporter

    Ref #133: Use just "ps" to list processes

    This doesn't fix the problem for Android O as I initially thought because new ps implementation only lists processes associated with a current tty (most of the time, - running "adb shell ps" lists all processes except logcats spawned by the logview but "adb shell <Enter> ps" lists only sh and ps itself). For Android O+ the "ps -A" has to be used but it is incompatible with previous versions. I plan to introduce version-specific process dumpers in the next commit.

    Anyway "-P" is unnecessary even on previous versions because fg/bg priority was never of concern. It was used for compatibility with dumpstate output (it used ps -P prior to M).

    This commit adds comprehensive test suite of sample ps outputs from 2.3.3 to P (9.0?) gathered from emulator.

    → <<cset a09d2b40c29f>>

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