'Device is disconnected' while viewing a file

Issue #96 resolved
Mikhail Lopatkin repo owner created an issue

"Device is disconnected" message pops up after device being disconnected even if a file is open and not live adb connection.

Steps to reporduce:

  1. Start application with device connected
  2. Wait for device log to appear
  3. Open a file
  4. Disconnect device

Expected result: nothing should happen

Actual result: "Device is disconnectected" message appears

Comments (3)

  1. Mikhail Lopatkin reporter

    Rewrite disconnect notification handling a bit

    Instead of tracking a device, track the data source instead. It fixes a discrepancy when the data source is already gone but the disconnect handler still tracks the device.

    Fixes #96

    → <<cset 2120d80cc104>>

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